Thursday, November 29, 2012


keep Tori in your thoughts and prays...
they are doing her amputation this morning...
they had a scare with her PetScan last week...
found 2 more spots on the lungs...
but they weren't cancer...
they did a biopsy Monday...
so they went ahead with her amputation plans...
taking her foot, ankle and part of the shin...
her grandpa is home now and doing well...
2 tumors, prostate...
but they are doing radiation and hormone shots...
and that should take care of that...
so, this family is facing some really trying times...
their faith is being tested...
prayers for all of those facing life choices and those who have to sit and watch a child in a hospital bed...
Tori right before surgery...


  1. Oh I stand in agreement with you and your heart for those in need...How difficult this must be for this family...I am so happy to hear they have put their trust in the Lord. I pray that you are doing well too. Blessings!

  2. I am in standing prayer with others for Tori. Praying for all at this tme.

    Gods speed.

    Love you all.

  3. God bless that sweet girl. You wonder how much a child should have to bear, don't you? I am praying for the rest of her family, too. xo Diana

  4. Tete, Praying for Tori and her family. She will have to be stronger than any young lady should ever be. May God give her strength . xo, Susie

  5. Oh my, that is sad news. I'll be sure to pray for Tori and her family.

  6. My prayers for the family, I know what it`s like to watch your child in the Hospital Bed. My son who is now 6 has had 3 open heart surgeries, and was born without the left side of his heart functing. I put my faith in Gods hands and he carried me through. Tough times and good times, but he never let me go. May god bless you and yours and give strength to them.

    Mini Hugs from a fellow blogger,

  7. saying a prayer for this child. fortitude, resilience and even that she would grow in faith to trust God...HI Tete...I think I am coming back into the blog land posting world...:-) Thanks so much for popping in to say hi to me. HUGS to you!!! xoxoxoxo :-)


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!