Monday, December 24, 2012

My surgery has been cancelled again!

still hoping to get it in before the end of the year...
lymph node is swollen behind the ear and they don't want to mess with it...
so back to find someone to give me antibiotics...
waiting on another phone call...
updates will happen later on tonight...
guess I am having a Charlie Brown Christmas- LOL

Doug's washing the dog...
had to vacuum a christmas ornament while ago...
someone tried to hockey it...
washer and dryer both going...
DH is still at work...
having a Christmas party...
while I hang out with the kids, the cats and the dog...
there is cookie dough in the fridge...
if anything else happens, I am grabbing the tub, heading for my room and locking myself in...

I just love this time of the year...
even with some drama...


  1. Hi Tete~ Sorry to hear the surgery has been cancelled Again ~ at least your handling it well, grab that tub of cookie dough & lock yourself in..... Wishing you & the family a very Merry Christmas!

  2. Hi Tete, Sorry your surgery is cancelled. I know you want to get it behind you and move forward. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
    Hugs, Beth

  3. Oh Tete, that is frustrating to have the surgery postponed when you are mentally prepared for it.
    Have a Merry Christmas, and pamper yourself.

  4. Sorry to hear about the surgery being cancelled.
    Take an extra long soak in the tub tonight.
    Have a Merry Christmas, Tete. Enjoy the cookies...baked, or not.
    Love to you.

  5. Waht? Not again?! So sorry to hear that, Tete! Despite it all, I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas! Hugs to you. Oh, I like Debbie's idea of the raw cookie dough, yum!!!

  6. Well, you know I hate to hear your surgery has been cancelled. That is crummy! It sounds like you are having a good day with the fam though. Hope your Eve is wonderful and blessed- xo Diana

  7. Oh no, Tete. I'm so sorry to hear that. I pray that they get you in soon so that you can be on the road to recovery. :) Here's to a peaceful and glorious Christmas, my sweet friend!

    xoxo laurie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!