Wednesday, December 26, 2012

the blizzard has been cancelled...

but we did get between 1-2 inches of s$%#...

a very wet snow now...
looking down the driveway, there are still places where you can see the green, green grass...

its a pretty white covering...

but I think we should have mowed first...

the lavender is still a nice green color...

and a hint of pink...
tacky yard fight decor...
I kind of like them now...
maybe they will stay around...
at least until spring...

really stiff and sore today...
got to be the storm going through...

and my dad is in the hospital with pneumonia...
been in almost a week now...
step mom called us yesterday and she was staying with him at the hospital...
to be snowed in there instead of at home...
the antibiotics are starting to work, but she said this would be his last Christmas...
 I sure hope so...
I think he's done more than enough here below...

many are sick around here...
but Tori did well with her last chemo and was able to go home for Christmas...
Lori's boyfriend became her fiance and then...
her husband...
the staff at the hospital helped make it possible...
and made it such a joyous time for them...
her new husband has been moved to a rehab facility now...
to begin his recovery and all that fun stuff...
so many blessings...
and a few passings, too...

keeping those families in my prayers as this year fades away...
hurricane Sandy...
Sandy Hook...
and those firemen in NY...
what a way to end a year...
but those families and friends will walk on...
into a new year, a new beginning...
plus, if we haven't lost someone, there are families close to us that have...
so many are gone from our small community in the last 12 months...
and more close to crossing over...

we should not take our time here for granted...
and we shouldn't waste it, either...
keep being His light in this world...
we need to shine so others can see the path...

hugs to you...
all of you...
you make me smile...
and you hug my heart daily...


  1. Snow is good, a blizzard is bad!
    Enough to put you in the mood but you can get around.
    Hope your step mom is doing ok, I am sure it was a difficult christmas for her.

  2. Tete, You have such a beautiful heart. I pray for you to be brand new when you can get your surgery over with. Our blizzard was working right along and thanks to God it has been down graded. it was suppose to last all night and here it is 4:00 and it's letting up. Wow, God is good. The only vehicle, I have seen today was a Fed Ex truck going down this lonely old country road..Hope he's home safe. Take care, xo, Susie

  3. What a wonderful post, Tete. I hope your Dad is released from his Earthly body, too. It has been a long time coming.

    I am doing an update post tomorrow-did you tell me that Cory is cancer free at this point? Let me know tonight if you can- xo Diana

  4. Tete - this post truly made me stop and think and appreciate and pray tonight. This has been such a difficult, trying, and emotional Christmas for me this year, yet your words reminded me that I am not alone in my journey. There are many out there who have it a whole lot worse. So I lift them up in prayer....along with my mom and dad.

    Hugs to you, sweet friend.

    xoxo laurie

  5. Tete, what a blessing you are to me, to show how even in the bad times, things are good.

    But, you could have had this 'blizzard' we don't know how to handle it, down in this southern area.

  6. Hello Tete,
    I just dropped by to wish you a belated Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year, full of happiness and health.
    I am just now blogging again after a 11 month time spent seeking God, reading his word and finding that I am not responsible for other peoples actions...just my own. There is so much meaness in this world, we have to stay close to God and seek his face constantly.
    hugs and prayers


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!