Monday, December 17, 2012

Please pray for...

the children who were not called home...
the ones who are left here to remember their friends and teachers...
to never forget a day that will change the rest of their lives...

the parents who are burying their children this week...

the siblings who will never ever look at Christmas the same way again...
who will have to walk past a bedroom that no longer is needed...
who will sit and look at an empty chair at the dinner table, day in and day out...
who would give anything to take back the last fight that they had...

the families of the teachers and staff...
a major hole was left there for sure...

the first responders...
they saw things that no one should ever see...
the ones who stepped over bodies looking for survivors...
the ones who bagged those bodies for transport...
whose nights will be filled with reenactments, over and over again...

the coroner staff who had to remove all the bullets for evidence...

the funeral home staff...
the ones who will have to take care of the bodies...
the arrangements...
the families...

the ministers of the local churches who have to find mere words to say what is in all of our hearts...

the citizens of that community who will be forever reminded of that day...
who will have to drive past the school, the homes, the playgrounds and the cemeteries...
the ones who will pick up the broken pieces of their lives and their neighbors' lives and try to put things back together...

for the teachers and staff who have to walk back into that building and make things ok again...
for the students who will go on...

for the laughter to return to them...
for the sun to shine again...
for the tears to be wiped away...
for the pain to lessen...

they need so much...
and God is the only one who can give them what they need...

God knew your pain when it came time to part,
He, too, lost a child, He knows a broken heart.

But He has a bigger plan way beyond our sight,
Flesh is not forever and in Heaven all is right.

Children are His favorite, so they are surely blessed,
They are safe within His arms as He holds them to His chest.

So when you say your prayers before you go to sleep tonight,
Listen very closely and you will hear tiny wings in flight.

I wrote that many years ago, for a friend...
it seems fitting for now, too...


  1. No words really to express my sorrow. You wrote this beautifully and it is quite fitting for this tremendous sadness for so many beautiful families. I can hardly stand to turn the T.V. on. Gun control! The media shoving microphone sin the faces of these families. Let them grieve privately. I am sending cards. Otherwise I am just praying. Whenever the gun control issues comes up I remember the 168 victims of the OKC Bombing in 1995. There were no guns. Only 168 lost lives including 19 children all under the age of 6 We need God. We don't need more politicians tossing their opinions in the pot! Life is hard. I am trusting God. Love to you sweet friend! Peace, Anne

  2. I am not really reading blogs tonight but I wanted to pop in. That is an absolutely beautiful piece, Tete. You surely have a poet's heart and soul. God bless you- You touch so many with your words- xo Diana

  3. God Bless you for this post.
    It says what most would like to say, but don't have the words.
    Love you!

  4. Tete, It is difficult for all of us. Thank you for the sweet poem. xoxo,Susie

  5. Tete, Beautiful post but so sad that it was needed. Many His grace and mercy cover all those who were impacted by this tragedy.
    Hugs, Noreen


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!