Tuesday, December 18, 2012

something sweet...

Elmer is growing!
but not too fast, that wouldn't be as much fun...
but he's my Christmas present this year...

yep, even my hard nosed hubby couldn't say no to that face...
so he's now officially a member of the family...
his sister found her furrever home, too...
a lady needed a small, yellow cat...
her little boy has been asking for one all year...
so, being a single mom, she had to make sure he really wanted one and that they could afford to take care of another little mouth...
after asking for so long, she finally started looking for one...
the lady we were feed for got ahold of me and we may arrangements for pick up...
she came by Sunday and took Stevie to her new home...
and the little boy was so excited!
he promised her he would love her forever and always take care of her...
Elmer had a hard time the first day...
I had to cuddle him a little bit more...
talk to him and pet him...
and told him it would be ok...
he was staying...
he still cries every now and then, but for the most part, he is doing ok...
so far...
he hasn't found the Christmas tree yet...
but it will happen...
and that's my something sweet...


  1. What a little cutie! Bet he is feeling lonesome without his siblings. Glad that they found furrever homes:)

  2. Oh, he's so cute! Sweet story about the little boy too. What a great present for him.

  3. I'm just thrilled that your keeping him and that your comfortable with his brother's new home. It sounds like the little boy will enjoy Stevie like you'll enjoy Elmer.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!