Tuesday, January 1, 2013

our new year's eve...

it began to snow yesterday after lunch...

so DH took me for a little ride around town...

in the snow...

and he would stop so I could get photos along the way...

all of this was in town...

we decided not to do the country roads in case they were slick...

it was coming down pretty good!

and everything still has some snow stuck to it...

this is what it looks like if you are inside a snow globe after someone shakes it up...

it was such a nice drive...

and remember this house that I posted last summer?

isn't it great covered in snow?

found a bunch of squirrels around town...
but he was the funniest...

and that feeder was hanging right next to this one with a woodpecker...

and back home again with our own rose bush...
a pretty pink bloom frozen in time...

there are many blooms on here and the leaves are still green...

no big plans here last night...
we just cuddled the old year out and the new one in...

2012 was a gaining year for me...
more ups than downs...
tons of blessings...
lots of joy...
and some sadness...
but doors closed and others opened...
made new friends...
and said bye to some old ones...
but it wasn't anything we couldn't handle...
and nothing compared to what others are struggling with daily...

it was a good year and I am thankful for it...
let us all boldly step into this new year...
and claim it as a blessing and victory now...
its going to be awesome!


  1. Beautiful post and pictures! Happy New Year!

  2. What a wonderful post, Tete. I know you had a good year-you have come so far in the last few months healthwise...love you,gal- xo Diana

  3. What a blessinng your posts always are. I love that rose frozen in time, and the squirrels may be a problem with some, but their antics are always worth it.

    Happy New Year, may this one be the best yet.

  4. What pretty photos, Tete! I love that house, was it always a home? It looks like it may have been something else originally. We had a nice quiet night last night, rented a funny movie, and had some bubbly. Wishing you a healthy and wonderful new year!

  5. I always love seeing photo's of your town. The flakes yesterday were huge and I just sat and watched them fly by the window.
    Mr came home sick, chills, cough..oh boy so we did not go celebrate with his siblings. He went to bed I watched a movie and was in bed by 9pm. Although I knew when mdn came as my neighbors set of fireworks.
    Have a great day.

  6. What great photo's you took on your drive. I love the one of the dock jutting out in the pond.
    Also, the frozen rose is beautiful!
    Your outlook is always inspirational, Tete. That's why I come here. No matter what the situation...you can always see a blessing.
    God Bless You!
    Love You dear friend.

  7. Beautiful photos Tete~ I love the rose buds frozen in time ~ can't believe they are still so pink. We haven't had any more snow since the 6" we had last week, but it's not melting since it is Cold, cold, cold.... Today is nice because the sun is actually shining bright, before now it has been so gray & gloomy.... Can't wait for this New Year to start, not making any resolutions, except like you said in a previous post to show kindness & pay it forward~
    Here's to 2013!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!