Wednesday, January 2, 2013

winter mantle...

oh, the long, dreary days of winter...

are meant to be dream days of what has been and what is to come...

to regroup, reorganize and strategize... 

to imagine all kinds of things...

to set new goals and envision what can be...
resting up for a day when those dreams become reality...
recharging of the mind, body and spirit...
dare to dream...
that is...

until someone sneaks away with your pen...
give you one guess who that is...
dreaming and planning will have to wait until that little pooder takes a nap...

hope you are having a glorious day...
its colder than a well digger's butt here...
and it looks like its here to stay a bit, too...
so off I go to make mischief somewhere else...


  1. Haven't had much blog visiting time this past year hope to do more this new year. Just wanted to drop a note to say I love your vintage background.
    Maybe your cute little pen thief can write a mystery for you. There is a series out with a cat as the author... this old brain forgets what it is.
    Have a Happy New Year!

  2. I have a pen/pencil/binder clip/rubber band/adding machine tape/glue gun(you get the idea)thief also. I have to be ready with a sacrifice item to distract him with in order to get anything done-He absouletly has me well trained-LOL

  3. Happy Wednesday Tete!!

    How are you? The pictures you shared of your drive looks so pretty....course I can say that when I am living in 79 degree weather :)
    Hope you are doing your vintage background to your blog, did you do it yourself?
    Happy New Year!!!
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  4. Oh what a cute little bunny!
    I think you have your hands full with your kitty!

  5. Hi Tete, Your winter decor looks great - I love your tans and ivories and whites. The little bunny is cute, and so is your sweet kitty!

  6. It doesn't surprise me at all that you are off to create mischief. I hope that you had a really good day and the cold isn't getting you too bad. I love your pen stealer- xo Diana

  7. Hi Tete, All I did was remove the background, still don't know how to get "That" looks, she has such large photos and I think her template is different, if I just enlarge my photos, they go into the right margin, I am doing something wrong~ Help?

  8. It's super cold here, too. Love your cute little kitty! Doesn't take much to entertain them, does it? Keep warm!!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!