Saturday, February 23, 2013

while the weather outside was frightful...

playing inside was quite delightful...
come see...

we had gotten a large loaf of french bread at wally world in a paper bag...
well, that thing went stale quick, so I broke it up and threw it out in the yard yesterday...
and guess who showed up for dinner yesterday?

about half of what we got is gone...
but what was left and the slush froze hard tonight...

if it doesn't all melt today, it will on Sunday...

I still have my faithful friends who come every day...

should have made a snowman...
oh, well...

so I did a couple of quick walks outside and then back in...

tried out my new stamps...

and got the boxes coated with mod podge...
waiting for them to dry before the last and final touches go on...

so I dug out the easter box...
you know the one...

the one that holds all the fun things...

things that go on the tree...

some familiar faces were in that box...

its hard to believe its been a year since we have seen them...

and this little guy came from my bestie...
and I get to use him a lot more this year...

I need to unpluck the tree of the Valentine things...
move it into the living room...
and start all over on it...
should be fun...
and here's a small taste of things to come...

gotta love a bunny with floppy ears...


  1. OH how cute, love the new header and love the bunnies. Enjoy decorating your tree today.

  2. Tete I love the new header and site decor-so pretty.
    Got to get to the dollar store with Easter closing in fast. ;-)

  3. I love your new "look", Tete. You change your blog up more than anyone I know- Of course, you are braver than most of us when it comes to that. Love all your bunnies. I suppose I should go dig my Easter stuff out- It is coming up early this year. Hope you have a great Saturday- xo Diana

  4. Good Morning Tete, I enjoyed your post this morning. Our daughter is having Easter so she is decorating her house. Her mother-in-law decorates for every Holiday. I just look at other people's pretty decoration. We have a lot of snow on the ground and it had an icy crust to it when I went to clean the car off. I just wanted to get rid of part of it before the snow comes that they are predicting. Have a wonderful day. Hugs from Your Missouri Friend.

  5. Easter! And inbetween is St. Patrick' gotta get some green on somewhere in there. Love all your Easter Eye Candy, and the REAL candy that comes with it too...argh...don't like that it wants to stick to me though.. O.O Your last pic is my favoritest!!! :-) I have bunnies that just hang out with me year round in this nest. They are so cute, yes with those floppy ears. My sister has two Fur-Real bunnies that live with them. ;-) Have yourself a great day. I had to downsize my screen to 75% to see the full shot of the bunnies on either side of your new background. *LOVE* too cute. xo

  6. Your blog looks Heavenly, Tete!
    How can it be time to bring out the Easter stuff?
    I still have the Valentine card you sent to me sitting here next to my computer!!! It's lovely, by the way.
    I will bring out the bunnies, I guess.
    The little tin bunny you sent me is also hanging here next to my computer. Special pieces NEVER get put away until the next year.
    Your decorations always get me inspired to move into the next holiday season.
    Happy Sunday, sweet lady.

  7. Wow that is quite some weather you had!! believe it or not its in the 80s over here!
    That is a nice bird feeder you have there I have been looking for one all over I want a different one that will stand out.. I guess I need to look at what ETSY has..
    Wally World? never heard of that..
    hope you have a great day!! and Stay warm!!

  8. Your decoupaged box is gorgeous, Tete! Love that pretty paper. And I also am in love with your new background! The violets and chicks and bunnies are just adorable! I think this is my favorite one so far! Have a good weekend!

  9. Your decoupaged box is gorgeous, Tete! Love that pretty paper. And I also am in love with your new background! The violets and chicks and bunnies are just adorable! I think this is my favorite one so far! Have a good weekend!

  10. Brrrrrrrrrr.............I am freezing here in the Pacific Northwest and it's about 48 degrees right now. No snow in sight, thankfully. :-)

    Love, love that little, fluffy bunny. So darn cute. I'm going to do a seasonal tree one of these days. It would be so much fun to re-do for the holidays throughout the year.

    Have a great weekend...


  11. Tete you are a talented little gal! I love seeing your pretties here!Love the pretty box and I never tire of sweet bunnies and Easter fare!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!