Tuesday, March 12, 2013

been in the hallway...

thank you so much for your prayers and kind words...
its been the roughest week for us...
from Wed through Sat, DH and I logged in a total of 12 hours sleep...
still cannot sleep more than 1-2 at a time, but making up ground finally...

almost kicked my butt this time...
Craig did some googling for me and we found out they should have done some things pre and post op to make it easier on me...
that my pain level after surgery was 20-30 on a scale of 1-10...
that I should have been in recovery 4-5 times longer than most...

that no one would help me from the hospital when we called for several days...
asking for muscle relaxers...
that these guys ran this vibrator massager on me for hours at a time to get me through this...
I need to check the next time to make sure my primary care physician will not be on vacation the whole week after surgery...
what a ride, and its far from over, but we have come to a resting spot along side of the road...
enough to catch our breath for a spell...

that my men will kneel and pray beside me anytime I ask them...
that God does answer prayers...
and he does it when you need it...

that I fell in love with my husband all over again in these last few days...
this man who cried with me and wants to grow old with me...

I have an appointment with the surgeon on Thursday and not sure if we will be able to make it...
might be next week before I can make it out to the car...
but today is better...
thank you, Lord...


  1. Good to see your post. Yesterday's had me worried. Will keep praying for you :)

  2. Hi Tete, You post made me so happy that you are doing better. I will pray that you are able to keep your appointment with the surgeon. I was surprised that they let you go home so quick. You and your family will continue to be on my prayer list. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  3. Whew- I was starting to get worried, Tete. I am so glad that you have reached a resting spot. I hope it is all uphill with your recovery from here on out- Love to you- Diana

  4. Glad your feeling a little better...Keeping you in my prayers.

  5. Love you and glad you are better. I'd just asked Diana about you, and she told me you had updated. I hope there are NO more surgeries for a long time.

  6. Oh Tete -- you poor girl. I will be keeping you in my prayers, sweetie. Rest. Keep your chin up. And get well soon. I wish I lived closer to you. I'd be there in a heartbeat to help you out. Healing hugs to you.

    xoxo laurie

  7. Thinking of You, wondering how the Dr. went today? Soft Hugs,


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!