Saturday, March 16, 2013

tulips and daffodils...

another promise of spring...
we had a wonderful spring-like day here yesterday...

and my guys took me out for a small walk in the afternoon...

wasn't out there too long, when nature called and back in we came...

baby steps keep happening here, and there are a bunch to do...
but I make progress every day...
and I am able to lay down and sleep in my bed again...
just a couple hours at a time right now...
but it feels so good!

the warmer weather left in the night and coldness has seeped back in...
could see snow even later on...
oh, the madness of March...


  1. Tete, So glad you are doing better. I just looked around my yard and was amazed that things are sprouting up. Enjoy your weekend. xoxo,Susie

  2. You have shoots coming up? We still have frozen earth! Nothing will be coming up for a while.
    So happy to hear you are able to get around, Tete!
    I'm sorry I haven't been here lately.
    I'm working more days a week, which I'm NOT happy about. I'm blogging I've been bad about keeping track of things, and people. I'm a bad friend.
    I should have, at least, shot an email to you.
    I AM glad that you are on the mend, sweet girl. It took some time to heal from gall bladder surgery for me. So take it easy.
    Love you toots!

  3. Glad you are on the mend and I hope you have a quick recovery!

  4. Sooooo glad you were able to get out for a walk. Soon you will be back to your regular sassy self- xo Diana

  5. Hi Tete, I am glad you are progressing to being able to be outside even for a short period of time. We had 81 yesterday and we are down to 37 today. The wind makes it feel actually colder then that. We take each day at a time. Hugs and Prayers are coming your way from Your Missouri Friend.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!