Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter egg hunt...

every year, for as long as I can remember...

folks take time to meet on the square the Saturday before Easter...

for the grand EASTER EGG HUNT...

there are all sorts of things in the eggs...

money, candy and for those lucky enough...

a little piece of paper that says you have won an easter basket...

the hunt is spread over 3 grassing areas...
and the square gets the smallest of them all...

the kids are divided into 3 age groups...
so the older kids are in a different area...

we always watch the little ones...

when they are done finding the eggs...

they all find a place to sit down and open each of them up...

the eggs are given back to the easter bunny to use again next year...

its a big thing in a little town...

for parents, grandparents and neighbors...

and we had a good day today...
warm but cloudy...

and no rain...

the kids also get to color the sidewalks around the square with colored chalk...

there are prizes for that, too...

and of course, the pictures...

so cute...

the queen even shows up...

see, this is serious business...

some of the older kids...

and the day wouldn't be complete without the Easter Bunny...
who is doing double duty today...
the Post Prom committee had a Breakfast With the Easter Bunny at the grade school this morning...
I wonder if they served carrots for breakfast?
maybe bunny shaped pancakes would be better...

got brownies in the oven...
eggs boiling for deviled eggs...
doing a cheese cake next...
and the food prep will be done...
got some windows open today...
but better get hopping...
we have one down today...
DH is sick with a nasty cold...
coughing his head off...
so its just me and Craig and we have some outside work to do, too...
so, later...


  1. Happy Easter Tete! I am coming over! You appear to have it all under control for the Sunday celebration of Our Lords Resurrection! WE are knee deep in plumbing troubles at a grand cost! I Just hope they get this done on Monday! Had to take out our choke cherry tree and the fugly bush that I detested! I am grateful we are healthy and able to work otherwise I am not sure what we would do! Prayers please. This has been a sad week for other families, 4 losses that I know of! MY friend lost her younger brother. My friend Vivian and I wonder if it was a suicide. Pray for the O'Gane family. My oldest girls friend Libby lost her daughter Mary this past week too. Mary was 52 and recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Her husband put her in a nursing home and she died suddenly. Such a sadness. No one should lose their child. My co workers cousin lost her son last night. Ran into traffic at a shopping area and was killed instantly. Three years old. So sad, pray for the Ramirez family. A guy my hubby knew from work, he was a vendor, was murdered Thursday night on the streets near his home. In his 30s with a family. Pray for the Chavez family.
    Nick said his run was not good today. He hates the Kansas humidity already at 80 percent! I am just glad he is safe and healthy enough to run! I told him he will always be number one in my book!
    Happy Easter and tell your honey to get well soon!
    Love the egg hunt photos. You live in a lovely place!

  2. Happy Easter Tete. Ma your day of celebration be full of many joys. Love the pics, so cute.
    TTFN ~

  3. What cute little hunters. I didn't go to watch the kids hunt eggs yesterday. I understand they had a great time.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!