Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday blessing to all of you...

we have crocus blooming!
a sure sign of spring...

my guys started in early raking the beds out...
there were so many wet leaves...

the yard is so muddy after 8 inches of snow melting...

but it is nice to be outside...

cloudy here, mainly...

and a small breeze...

Craig also helped me clean off the porch while DH continued working on the beds...

see the snow that's still here?

that will have to raked later...

the day lilies are in there...

daffodils won't be blooming for easter, but they are up...

I can't believe how tall things are already...

the cats are in such a playful mode...

hope you are having a fun day...

and don't forget what this day is all about...
the death of our Lord...
the beginning of our Grace...
so we will not perish...
but have everlasting life...


  1. Dear Tete, Good Friday blessings to you! What joy to know the Victor and our Savior. So thankful for all He did.
    May you and yours be blessed this Easter.
    Hugs, Noreen

  2. A hymn we sing goes "Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe, Jesus took my crimson stain and turned it white as snow."
    Happy Easter, and your garden is showing lots of energy.

  3. Wow- You have some green showing already!!! Love that you guys are able to work outside. Happy Good Friday to you-xo Diana

  4. I saw some green today, that I'd missed so I know how happy you are to see green.

  5. Good Friday is the Good News that Jesus died on the cross for us, so that we could live.. Thanks for your beautiful blog... and reminding us of the true meaning of Easter.

  6. Exciting to see how much growth you have already-it's like uncovering buried treasure.
    Happy Easter.

  7. Amen on your Good Friday comments. I was raised with such a devotion to the Lord and His gift to us for our salvation. I never forget!
    Your yard is going to be lovely. We are expecting more rain mixed with snow! Always up to something in Colorado where the weather changes fastes than the government steals our dollars!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!