Sunday, April 14, 2013

It's really a glorious day here on the prairie...

got up and headed out to Walmart this morning...
we were there yesterday, but didn't get DH's meds and Craig forgot 2 things on his part of the list...
there was someone on my mind all night long that I just had to go back and get...

and when we got back, the mower guy was just finishing up...

and I grabbed some gloves and my little rake...
and started in on a couple of small beds that were missed last time we were out here...

and of course I took some photos...

we also got a walk in...

not too far...
just down the street...

just to see the neighbor's magnolia tree...
they are in bloom all over town...

but no dogwoods or red buds yet...

my sitting place...

and this is the little guy I couldn't get off of my mind...
we saw him outside as we left yesterday, but we were all just so worn out...
I let the guys drive on by...
he was the only one that stood up...

and the tulips are getting ready to open...

the lilac is leafing out...

and we even started the spray painting...
the chair was getting some rust on her...
and the bird cage stand is something I bought last year, but someone had painted it navy blue...
it so looks better white...

the forsythia is just beautiful this year...
its about 7 years old now, started it from a little stick...
this is the best its ever looked...

the knock out roses all are turning green....
I may head back out there....
picked up some wheat flour at Walmart to make pizza crusts with...
so that's what DH and I just got finished eating...
wheat flour makes the crust crispy...

well, the outside is calling me...
we have so many rain days coming this week...
should make things really bloom by next weekend...
hope you are having a good day...
70s can't be beat...


  1. Tete everything looks so beautiful and so green-love your new bunny. Don't overdo now though with such great weather I would be doing the same thing.Spring things!;-)

  2. Hi Tete, That bunny is the cutest one ever, he was standing up to try & get your attention as you drove by~ Still Cold here, but maybe some 50's this coming week, on & off rain, still gloomy ~ send some sunshine my way, Please!
    Thank you for posting the green, it is so needed here...

  3. Spring has definitely arrived at your home. The magnolia and forsythia are glorious! Spring is such a gift. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I love the picture of your forsythia. It was gorgeous yesterday. Next weekend looks cool, girlfriends are going to 1515 and i was hoping for some porch sitting.

  5. Oh I love the Bunny, he is so handsome. Saw a real live one in the garden yesterday, surprised the cats weren't hunting him.

  6. Tete wow... looks like no more snow for you...
    I love your yard it is just so green and those blooms are gorgeous!! I hope you don't have allergies with all the spring blooms coming up..


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!