Monday, April 15, 2013

Phase 2 of the island...

we have been in and out today...
in between rains...
and then the news this afternoon kind of slowed us down as we watched bombs explode at the Boston Marathon...

prayers for those who did nothing wrong, but will suffer long for those who did...

makes you just enjoy and appreciate your peace and harmony in your own little world...

evil can happen any time, any where...
no one is exempt...

but God protects his own, with angel wings...
and some he calls home during the chaos...

we must always be ready to leave...
it could come in the blink of an eye...

embrace your peace today...

let the drama go...

and just enjoy this time with those your love...
with God's blessings all around you...

just take a moment to look around at all the little things He has sent your way today...

a busy day for Heaven with all the prayers going on right now...

take time to listen to the birds' song...

pray for all the rescue people who are running non stop to get people loaded in the ambulances...
they are at risk just staying in the area...

pray for the doctors and nurses and hospital personal who are treating all the injuries and dealing with the shock of the families as they try to find out about their loved ones...

pray for those who did this...
for they need God's love more than anyone else...

for their pain has to be so great to have it spill out this way...

let this change their lives for the good...
that they get the help and prayers that they need...

I just cannot imagine wanting to hurt others so much...
to plan something like this out...

and then to carry through with it...
what goes through their minds?

lies, lies and more lies from the devil himself...

I am sorry, but these things just upset me so...
I just have to stop what I am doing and talk it over with God...

and after we got done out here today...
 this is the result...
a friend started the tacky yard war again last fall and left the pink flamingos in my yard...
but I am embracing them...
I kind have grown attached to them...
and they add some pink color to the yard...
I am so going to miss that puff of bright yellow out there...
 so wish the forsythia stayed yellow all summer...
but it will turn green...
and other things will pop up...
thinking of putting my 4 o'clocks out here...
a blogging sister sent me some seed last fall and I have been looking for the perfect place to put them...
I think this will be their new home...

so, got spaghetti on the stove...
DH is due home anytime...
and our evening will begin...
keep praying for our country, our world...
its worth it...
and so needed...


  1. I heard something about the Boston marathon today, and a bomb. But not any details. How sad and unreal. Such a good post you wrote, so true, we should make the most of each and every moment. And cherish the ones that we love. Your photos are so pretty, love your bike!

  2. So sad and disheartening, Tete. It makes us all cry out to God for understanding and peace. We pray and know that they are being heard. We cry knowing that He is crying with us. We run to Him knowing that He is the only one who can heal a broken heart.

    On a brighter note ~ Your sweet little island looks so pretty. Love seeing the darling bike out there among the flamingos. :)

    xoox laurie

  3. Tete you have a beautiful heart and a very kind soul.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!