Monday, May 27, 2013

another busy day...

I really hated doing it...

but we had to run these guys off for a bit...

we needed to work on the island...

Tory helped by watching...

this is the smallest rose bush out there...

so we hit this right after the rain stopped this morning...
the weeding needed done...
if you will notice, the pink flamingos are gone...

this is the second knock out rose I bought...

and I am so excited...
this is the beginning of my very own autumn clematis...
the birds must have planted it for me...
the lots across the street have 2 massive bunches of it...

it started off sprinkling this morning...
then the sun came out...
then a massive storm front came through and rained the rest of the afternoon and evening...

Elmer can find more trouble to get into than all of the others put together...
we have 4 cats of our own and are fostering 2...

I am letting the weeds come up here in the small space...

I cut some roses from all the bushes this morning...

and the birds weren't too upset with us...
since we filled the feeders while we were out there...

these are too small to make a regular bouquet...

but a cheese shaker works well for them...

after lunch, the sun did come out for awhile...
and we headed to the veggie garden...
I found this old spoon while we were weeding...

and there it is...
finally done...
we are going to add another row of green beans in the back, I think...
we have the boards down to walk on back there...

and there it is...
I can't wait until everything grows up around it all...
I will mud in the rest of the yellow onion sets tomorrow...
I am so glad we got this done before the heavy rain fell...
my guys rocked it this weekend!
I am stiff and sore...
but at least the worst of the yard work is over...
we have a new bed to make ready...
and Craig and I can work on it through the week...
tomorrow, I have to get some laundry done...
and some cooking...


  1. Your gardens are bursting with color, and the red roses make a sweet bouquet.

  2. Wow that is amazing how it is filling in so well. Congratulations on that Clematis.

  3. You were much busier than I was in the yard. I spent most of my time in the kitchen.:-) Have a good Tuesday!
    xo Nellie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!