Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tori update...

last fall I posted about Tori for the first time...
bone cancer, a very fast growing cancer...
who made the decision to have her foot amputated to make sure the cancer was gone...

is now celebrating!
she has finished her chemo...
and she has her new foot...
and she is doing just fine...
looks like her hair is trying to grow back, too...
she will have periodic pet scans and checks...
we are waiting on this last pet scan after the last chemo...
if its clean...
she will be 'cancer free'...

she has faith that its gone...
so I am praying for good tests results and I will post as soon as I hear those words...
cancer free...
bless you all for keeping this child in your prayers...


  1. Praying for Tori and good pet scan results!

  2. That is amazing that she has come this far so fast.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!