Thursday, May 9, 2013

another day outside...

over-did it a bit yesterday...

so today was slow going...

I did get Bebe's hair cut last night and then he had a bath...

we just keep plugging away at the little projects...

so much for this being MY place to sit and think...

and every day we go out there, the growth is amazing...

the fields are still untouched around here...

fence sections waiting to be put into place...

from above...

it was so peaceful out here this morning...

the leaves are about half way out now...

but I couldn't stay out long at a time...
the cottonwood is shedding its poof...
and its everywhere...
looks like its snowing...

another project begun...

got to here and ran out of paint...
thought I had more...
will pick some up on the next trip to town...

we did work on this...
how things are going to go and all that...
the ground will have to be worked up...
before the tomatoes and green beans go in here...
just wait until things come up...

I did get the peppers planted today...

and then I just sat there...

looking around...

taking photos...

this is what I see when I play in the dirt...

its always a fun place for me to be...

the weeds are coming up so bad in the country side...
the farmers are just itching to get in there...
they are a little behind...

for those of you who don't know...
I use my ice cream chairs for tomato cages...
and then we will take rope and wrap it around the old shoe factory carts for more support...
this will keep the tomatoes completely off the ground and make picking easy...

got rain coming in again...
a friend stopped by with a lilac right after supper...
the same one that gave me the bridge...
they were cleaning the back yard out and it was right in the middle...
about 2 foot tall...
I will post it later on...
so we got it planted by the deck...
it should bloom in 3-4 years...
and then the deck will smell so sweet in the spring...

blessings to all of you...
hope your spring is going well, too...


  1. I hope you will take it easy today, Tete. We finally are beginning the day with a glimmer of sunshine here, but our garden spot is still much too wet to till for planting. We are WAY behind our usual planting.

  2. Isn't it great to see all the greens with little flower color pops-the pictures are wonderful. (don't want to know how you got that pic from above)lol

  3. Oh your garden is coming together well. I've got very little in the flowers done, but do have some tomatoes, peppers and squash in the garden.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!