Wednesday, May 15, 2013

just trying to beat the rain, again...

got up early...
our mornings are so pretty here...

Daphne was talking to the birds...

while I was waiting on Craig to get moving, I thought I would show you what we did yesterday...
ceramic bells from an old wind chime, from a friend who has drifted away...

you always need clothes pins...
they can fix almost anything...
that and duct tape...

the old stars off of a strand of lights...
if we can ever find a strand of white lights...
I will use them again...

and there's the cabinet on the deck...

and these are coming up from the bird seed...
have no idea what they are...
but I am going to let them go and see...
I filled the bird feeders, and still no Craig...

so I did what any normal blogger would do...
more photos...

he finally gets out there and I start to work on these...

and he crawls under the deck...
I had them make a trap door in the back so we could store stuff under there...
we went through the totes and then he stuck them back under there...

and I dug so wandering ferns and potted them...
transplanted some of them, too...

and that was it until this...
looks bad, has looked bad since it was made...
our cold frames...
and they work really well...

and here is the after...
see you can turn all the blocks so you can't see the ends of them...
these are from a house that was torn down just down the street...
they are vintage salt glazed and seem to be hand made...
they are not all the same size...
close, but not exact...
the old windows came from the same house...
cold frames, if you do not know, are used to house plants in the early spring...
much like a green house...
the salt glaze blocks absorb and hold heat very well...
the windows let the sunlight in...
and plants bought too early or started early...
are safe from frost and freeze...
they also grow faster in there...

I wanted to show you this crazy columbine I bought last year...
it has 2 different colors on it...
a very pale lavender...

and a deep, dark purple...

kind of off...
like me...

after the cold frame was reworked...
we took the rest of the blocks and lined the front of the veggie garden...

see, now the mower can't throw grass in there...
in the back corners, are going to be little hills...
for watermelons...
got the seed today...

and they have been working the field behind us today...
sprayed it this morning and we had to come in for about an hour...

and they planted this afternoon...
that's corn going in the ground right there...

now that's a planter...
18 row...
things have sure changed since I was a kid...
we thought farmers were uppity if they had an 8 row one...
well, its been a long day and I am pupt...
we got a bad storm heading this way...
so I am going to check the radar again...
hopefully, we can sleep tonight...


  1. Oh how I love our photos and stories! Please pray for Tom, he is friends hubby in AZ struggling with cancer diagnosis. Lots of prayer please.
    Come visit me soon. I love it here and I never seem to catch up! LOL!
    Have a few days off work. I need it! It is a mess there! Aack!
    Have a beautiful weekend.
    Blessings, Anne

  2. What a busy day you had! Did the rain come overnight? Take care!

  3. does the columbine seed? Wonder if it would reproduce the same.
    My 4 O'Clocks are growing well, and everything is up in the garden. Pictures soon


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!