Tuesday, May 14, 2013

got to play in some dirt...

one very windy day dried things out around here...
I was so surprised to find dirt that wouldn't make a mud pie when I transplanted the radishes...

thinned them out of here...

and stuck them in here...
and then we had to water them...
that's a first for this year...

the rose bushes are so close to being full of blooms...

Elmer is still not sure about outside...
he is afraid of everything...

this was all transplanted last year and some new plants added...

we walked to the end of our street for a look at one of the fields...
wild mustard has taken over...

you can see how the mud dried...
from standing water...

but the farmers are just getting into the fields...
with more rain coming in on Thursday, they may not have much time...

by the weekend, the iris will be in full bloom...

the nights have been pretty cool around here...
frosted out in the open the night before...

but the days are warmer and the clematis exploded in color yesterday...

I can see these out the living room window...

yeah, I am getting more of these...

the flags are tall this year...

really filling in...
the beds are so thick...
might be a good year to thin out and make new beds...
move things around a bit and line some rows...
have a fun day!


  1. It sounds like you've made some good progress and have some good plans. It is still much to wet to till our garden space. It is all that red clay that doesn't drain well that is the problem!:-( We do have sunshine today, and there is a chance of rain on Thursday here, as well.

    Have a good Tuesday!

  2. Everything looks so big and green and OMG those clematis are gorgeous.
    Little Elmer is not so little anymore-what a cutie pie, makes me want to scoop him up and squeeze him.

  3. Poor Elmer, scared of his shadow.
    You have beautiful beds, and your ahead of me on the clamitis, 2 colors still not blooming, only the lavander one.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!