Sunday, June 16, 2013

its been a good weekend...

we worked on these this weekend...

surface roots...

that the lawn mower hits...

we started on them yesterday...
and took forever to do what we did...

they are all over the south side of the yard...

this morning, Craig and I made breakfast for DH...

and he wanted to go out and finish what we had to go...
but after a half of an inch of rain...
they came out much easier...
and soon we were done...

so DH had been wanting to do this...
so we packed up the old wheel chair and went out to the state park...

and as soon as we got on the foot bridge...
someone was watching us...

the path is paved for wheel chairs...

it winds back into the woods and then runs along the lake...

it is so peaceful and quiet back in here...

the concession stand on the other side...

and back to the parking lot...

its a nice trail...
we did this so many years ago when it was only gravel and I walked it back then...
I loved being out there again...
been way too long...
hope you had a good day...


  1. Hi Tete, What a beautiful state park! Glad you had the opportunity to go and thanks for taking the camera along. The deer pic is precious! :0)

  2. what a beautiful place. I know that you had to enjoy ti a lot, and I'm glad your hubs wanted to go, and take you, for Father's Day.

  3. At first I thought the picture was dog poop! ha ha!
    Glad it was a good weekend.

  4. Tete, That trail looked so peaceful and inviting. I miss going to Brown County State park , here in Indiana. Took my girls there so many times. We have good memories of that park.xoxo,Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!