Thursday, July 18, 2013

how I spend my evenings....


and taking photos...

the neighbors must think I am crazy...

walking around the yard with the hose in one hand...

and my camera in the other...

but the results are awesome...

not getting out much at all this week...

early in the morning and late in the evening...

I am not sure why I don't have more of these...

just 2 more days until the rain comes...

not one red one in sight...

the day lilies are about half way through now...

they seem to be doing ok in the heat...

the corn is really tasseled now...

and a bumble in the roses this evening...
he is so covered in yellow dust...

busy as a bee...

but he doesn't like his photo taken...
that's ok...
had to water this anyway and didn't want to get his wings wet...

and so it goes on the prairie...
went to bed too early and now I am up at midnight...
Craig's got 4 days in a row coming up at work...
they are all 4-10, so not out in the middle of the day...
DH is so tired when he gets home...
trying to keep them in power aid and bananas...


  1. The shot of the bee buzzing away is so cool! You were so lucky to capture that in a photo! Still super hot and muggy here too, ugh! I am so ready for fall!!

  2. Your neighbours will notice. My

    daughter in-law when she was on

    holidays with hubby and us

    there to house sit. Her one

    neighbour came to me

    and told me all about the work

    my daughter in-law does in her

    garden to make it so pretty.

    I was watering her pansies out front the one day and

    picking off her finished pansies

    and he called to me to tell me

    that. Asking if we were the

    Grandparents who was looking

    after Teddy. I said. Yes

    Sir we are.

    Golly he even cut her lawn in

    front for

    her and hubby.

    My daughter in-

    law said. Grandpa dont you cut

    the back lawn. Will do when I

    get back. You and Mom just enjoy

    doing what you want to do it is

    your holiday away from home.

    Now is that not a neighbourly

    thing to do wow cut there lawn.

    (Smile) I found when we

    walked city neigbours can you

    believe this waved at us or said

    hi even teens. Boy times have

    changed in the city when I lived

    there. Maybe you think because it was summer. Hmmmmmmm

    My other sons tomatoes are not

    ripe neither or my best friends.

    It will come. have patience my


    All will come good soon and plenty.

    Love your picture takes.

    It is hot here. Not a day you can go out mid day to sit for hours or even out. You fry.

  3. Tete, I feel like a snail...too hot to really even enjoy being out, unless it's morning or evening. Your flowers are looking pretty. Our tall lilies are about done now. I love having pretty flowers to look at each day. Good for you looking after your men. Take care of your self too. xoxox, Susie

  4. I love your scarecrow in the background of the garden, Tete! He looks so cute standing behind the Rose of Sharon.
    Your pictures are AWESOME!!
    You do such a nice job setting up garden rooms at your place.
    Summer is always fun at your house.

  5. This is funny because I do the same thing.. hose and camera.. LOL
    My neighbors look at me kinda funny sometimes. when I walk outside with my handy dandy camera...I love it though .. I don't care what anybody thinks.. LOL love your garden..

  6. Your garden looks beautiful! Hope you get your rain soon. Loved your bee pics. Have a good wknd, Tete!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!