Friday, September 6, 2013

good morning...

not sure if I am awake or not, but here goes...

had busy days the last couple of days...

and I did get to watch the baby yesterday afternoon...

the mower guy should be showing up this morning, so need to get stuff out of his way before he gets here...

there's laundry to do again...
I don't get how it multiplies over night...

Craig and I cooked up a storm on Wednesday, so there's still left overs for supper tonight...

it feels like 'poof' and the week is gone for me...

I have got to come up with a plan for the weekend...

we don't have too many more before harvest starts, so they have to count...

our hot weather is back, but the nights are cooler than they were...

I am hoping in a couple more weeks, we can have the fall temperatures back here...
and I can wear sweatshirts and warm socks...
and turn the ac off once and for all...
I have been having a time with my allergies this week...
the pollen count is way up there, so we could really use some rain...
its all dusty and things are turning brown...
watering every other day...
happy weekend to you...
do what you can outside...
it won't be long until we are all stuck inside going bonkers!


  1. Love the pictures with the droplets of water on the flowers. It reminds me of a sudden cloud burst, then right after, the sun comes out again.
    Have a super weekend, lovely lady.

  2. My mums are ready to pop. Have the windows open but looks like the air is going back on today.
    Looking forward to fall in Coles County and those sweat pants and sweat shirts!

  3. Hi Tete, Your roses, sedum, and mums look pretty. We are looking forward to cooler temps and praying for rain. In the meantime, we're capturing the last bits of summer; just like a big juicy red tomato - it'll be gone like *pouf*!
    Hugs and blessings, Beth

  4. What a wonderful post, Tete. Your flowers and gardens are always so amazing. It is hot here today, too, but will cool tonight. All too soon we will be moving into cooler Fall weather. I am hoping to enjoy summer just a bit longer here- xo Diana

  5. Hush your mouth girl !! Tete, I am not ready to be going bonkers .LOL. Boy do you know how it goes. So funny. I am hoping we have a loooong pleasant autumn. Aren't you? I see your mums are blooming. Glad you saw the baby. Speaking of babys, my neice just had Cooper yesterday. 8 lbs and 13 Ozs, 21 inches long.:):) xoxo,Susie

  6. Your mums are so pretty! We're having some nice weather right now, but it's supposed to get hot again next week. I'm sort of spoiled by the cooler temperatures.

  7. Isn't it amazing how quickly our summer has flown by, Tete? Wasn't it just yesterday we were so excited that May had arrived?? :) We have been enjoying the cooler temps here lately, too. What a perfect week of weather! Doesn't get any better than this. I always rejoice when September and October arrive because like you, I love pulling on my boots and jeans. :)

    xoxo laurie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!