Sunday, September 8, 2013

its time to get caught up here...

this is the biggest one of the rescue litter that came in...

and the four that belong to Myra...
big difference when the mama has good food...

this is DH's little buddy...
he has attitude...

so we have been doing babies...
and getting out a bit, too...

leaves, leaves and more leaves...
and the trees haven't turned here yet...

and things are so dry...
we have missed all the rain in the past month...

the loungers are out here now...
Craig bought a sofa bed for his room and his full sized bed is on the deck...

I got so many shots of the sedum...

I love this plant...

it will take us right into fall and beyond...

it will go from this to a rust orange for Halloween and Thanksgiving...

and it will stand all winter...
in snow, in ice...

and this is a good place to be when its cooler outside...

letting the cone flowers seed...

had the mower guy come Friday and he sure stirred up some dust, but the yard is level again...

do you have an old pair of flip flops that you just keep hanging onto?
these are mine...
good for yard work now...

and we baby sat this one this weekend...
look at all her milk spots...

mom's milk is very rich...

and then this morning, while we had clouds moving across us...

we hit the island...

getting things ready for what's coming...

mowed off the iris and raked the walnut leaves out...

dead headed the roses...

DH has been hauling buckets of water to them every other night...

and we cleared out...

moved things around...

and ended up with this...
the swing is now where the bench was, and the bench is now facing the field...

DH brought me flowers on one his trips to dump leaves on the burn pile...

and there you go...

moved the rabbit, too...

it will time in the spring to cut this rose bush back some...
you need to do that every 5-7 years in the spring...

mr rabbit...

the sun has come out since this morning...
and its nasty already out there...

Craig and Daphne...
we have 3-4 more nasty days...
and then back to the 70s...
so, that's the last few days in a nutshell...
besides maybe having what Craig had last weekend...
its been good...
feeling better today...
but I did get a trip into Walmart yesterday and then snagged a root beer float on the way home...
life is good...


  1. Oh to lie on the loungers and stare at the sky. My sedum I brought from my Mom's is about to change color, that means fall is just around the corner!

  2. Looks great, I am wishing for some cooler weather here.

  3. Your yard looks good even readied for winter. shhh. Whisper that last word. Your sedum is more colorful than ours. Craig 's a cute boy, playing with that cat. Hope he's doing well. Love to hug the baby. My neice had Cooper on one day, I'll get to hug him. :):) xoxox, Susie

  4. Love those kittie cat photos. Wish a cat could stay a kitten for a long time...they are so cute. xoxo,Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!