Thursday, October 10, 2013

last night's photo shoot...

have you ever just sat down and start clicking?

especially in the early morning when the sun is coming up...

or in the evening as its going down?

the change of light gives you different images...

and sitting down...

gives you a different viewing point...

and before you know it...

you've clicked away 100 times or more...

and most of them with get tossed out...

but the ones you do keep can be awesome...

I am pretty sure next year, I want to add some ghosts...

big ones...

a handful of cheesecloth packages and a few kid's balls ought to do it...

I could use the scarecrows, too...

and we need to grab a couple more boxes of lights, just so we have them...

and I might end up painting a few more things, too...

we also need to grab some more candy...
Craig brought 2 bags home last weekend...
but they are dwindling quickly...
its just something about chocolate...
it vanishes without a trace around here...
well, except for the empty wrappers...

so that's our Halloween fun...
the neighbor kids were here last night to check it all out...
even Tori, the one you have been praying for...
she even walked down on her new foot...
and her hair is coming back in so curly!
cancer free so far...
I know she has miles to go, but she has come so far...
have a good night!


  1. Such neat shots, you have an eye for photography.

  2. Err, Tete, You are looking a little peaked there.......Maybe you should start using more blush:)


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!