Sunday, October 6, 2013

tis time we got our spooky on...

well, we finally got it up...

and it was a cooler day after yesterday's rain...

spent the morning in Paris with DH...

he took me to the medical clinic and I saw an NP for a Zpac...
a little shopping and a supposedly quick stop at Burger King...
which took 40 minutes...
and then home around 1 this afternoon...

after we ate, Craiger and I started out here...
and DH came along just in time to hang the bats in the tree...
so we officially have our spooky on now...
hope you had a good weekend...
seems ours are so short now with it only being one day...
and they have only just begun...`
maybe I will get my man back by Thanksgiving...
and then again, maybe not...


  1. Tete- So glad you got to see a NP and got a Z-pak. You need to get healthy and stay healthy! I love all your spooktacular stuff. You do a wonderful job for Halloween. xo Diana

  2. Tete, Your stuff is spooky. I can see why you need the help of your fellows there. Glad you got the meds you needed. The rain will slow some of the harvest around here. But once it gets into full swing, the farmers go till it's done. The Pioneer company, has done a lot of their seed crops and disced for next spring. Hope you have a good week. xoxo,Susie

  3. I noticed that some are harvesting in the river bottoms here.

    Glad you got your spooky on, I don't do spooky, or at least not a lot.

  4. Oooo spoooky!!!!
    I hope you don't scare yourself at night as you look out the window... I love it.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!