Wednesday, January 29, 2014

if you can read this, you are but a handful right now...

I have closed the blog down...
not forever, but just until I can make some changes here and delete a bunch of posts...
a dear blogger friend sent my a link to something that scared the britches right off of me...
it concerned using other peoples photos in your blog and the kind of copyright trouble you can get into...
I so do not need any kind of drama in my life...
nothing like that...
so I started deleting the posts and found after I went back in and looked at my blog...
I rather like it being about only my home, my town, my life again...
so hang in there with me while I get this cleaned up...
there will be no more random thoughts or images from anywhere but my own camera...
unless its to do a prayer request for someone and I have permission to use a photo...
so, as much fun as those posts were, its just not worth getting sued over or hassled about...
in other news, mama is in labor and we are about to have baby kittens again...
so stay tuned for all of that fun...


  1. I am so sorry, Tete. I think it is an unnecessary scare. I have had two people whose images I used a long time ago ask me to tag their photos and I did. I had not known where they came from originally. What about Pinterest? EVERYONE copies from there with no permission. I, for one, will miss your sweet posts that were random. I hope you invited Donna Welter, too?
    Hang in there-can't wait to hear more about the babies.

  2. Hi Tete, I agree with Diana, I wouldn't fret over this. I think as long as you give credit to where the photos came from, you are fine. Try not to worry, we won't turn you in:)

  3. Huuuu... Guess I missed the "be afraid" memo. Although one blogger was trying to tell me, in such a round about way, that I gave up, on following her cookie trail.

    Well, I put a click-able link to photos I get, off the Net, under the photos. What else do they want need? Oh yeah, some of them, don't want even that done, I suppose.

    Well, I've been scared-in-blogging before. I kind of agree with your other commenters... It's not that big a deal... But... You do what you want to do!

    Actually, since you brought this up, I do prefer to see pic taken, by bloggers themselves. It lets me peek into their lives more, than pics taken from the Net, which they like. Pinterest is that, isn't it? Pics found on the Net, that people like, and put on one Pineterest Page?

    I don't know. I don't "do" Pineterest.

    You do what makes you feel best.



Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!