Friday, February 21, 2014

63F, imagine that...

the melting went on all day...
and the sun peaked through a couple of times...
but mostly it was like this...
and I sat here and watched the fog roll into the north part of the yard from the lake that kept growing in the field...

and as the wind blew, it left ripples in the pond...
that traveled between the rows of last year's cornstalks...

as tiny stalks of grass emerged from its blanket of white...

only to be quickly swallowed whole by the ever enlarging puddles...

I did venture out right before DH got home...

and by then, the sun had come out again...

and the mud and spent leaves were not as pretty as the cover of white it once had...

there was no where to step that didn't have either mud, standing water or both...

some of the standing water had a layer of ice under it yet...

but it was so good to be outside...

with the sun hitting my face again...

the storms came through, followed by high winds...
but we are ok...
missed the worst of it...
just more heavy rain...

and there is the one who never seems to sleep...
who waits for me to pick her up...
and loves to cuddle already...
she will be a special friend for someone...
she was born with an old soul...

and I have been making more of these...
and I love this verse...
telling me its going to have some bumps...
but He who watches over me...
takes care of me...
loves me...
has it already conquered...
and just knowing that, gives me peace...

so Friday blessings to you...
as we slide back into winter...
and all things slippery...
have a fantastic weekend...


  1. Mud... And uncovered old leaves... And more mud. Me'thinks we are slipping into "Mud Season." Which comes before spring. That's progress!

    Yeah, watch out for the ice, still hidden beneath everything else. Dangerous.

    But I can imagine how nice it smelled even, to step outside, in the warm spell.

    We were very lucky, to not get over night ice accumulation, so I'm feeling lucky, this morning. :-)

  2. Tete, You could have taken those photos right here. We had some of the same weather. The sun is out and so pretty, but the wind is blowing about 40 miles an hour....suppose to stop around 7 this evening. The sun and wind will help dry up some of this wetness.Hooray. Hope your weekend is fun and easy. xoxo, Susie

  3. I really enjoyed your words.
    We have had fog all today to , snow melting a bit , even had a thunderstorm ~ seemingly so odd with having had so snow all week . Tonight it is balmy and in the 50's so the window is open as I feel like it is a heat wave . We haven't had 50's since November. Weather back to 20's tomorrow night so I will enjoy the moment .
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Friday blessings to you, too, Tete. Just popping in to say Hello and Good night. Glad you had nice warm temps there today. We were in the low twenties and the wind is horrible and continuing through tomorrow. xo Diana

  5. sorry I missed a couple of days, back was too sore to sit in computer chair and type. Love that kitty, if I didn't alreayd have a bunch, I'd grab that one.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!