Thursday, February 20, 2014

whacky weather and fun stuff...

I love reflections that float on the surface of water...
and rain drops...

we have had thunder through the night and this morning...

and melting...
lots of melting going on...

and there is even some green to the grass today...

but there is still plenty of ice and snow left...
and I am not sure if it will all melt before the warm weather disappears again...

back to the frozen 20s we will go...
kicking and screaming, I am sure...
but it won't matter...

mother nature has her own agenda...
and a nasty case of PMS this year...

so taking this time to plan and plot...
what to do, what to do?
when spring really comes...

babies are happy little campers...

and really starting to show their own personalities...

and a real quick peek at what I got in the mail yesterday...
a blocked canvas that I ordered...
sorry, but the plastic is still on it and I have things that need moved around to put it up...
but I will post it again once it finds its home here...

and these...
you stick them on the wall...
Yeah- gotta move stuff around for that...
so I am thinking while we are at it...
it might be time for a whole rework of the space...
talking living room here...
the guys are so going to love me, aren't they?

the sun just came out...
and my batteries in the camera are almost dead...
and Craig has the charger at his end of the house...
so not brave enough to go look for them...
so you will just have to take my word for it...
the sun is shining...
the rain has stopped for now...
the wind is blowing, though...
and will get worse later on and through the night...
but no tornadoes now!
that's always a good thing...
so, there you have it...
my favorite things today...
puddles, words and canvas...


  1. Tete, you are getting the thawing. We are too. Glad no storms, ours are to come through here after 5 this afternoon. I like the painting. Are you one , who hangs a picture then decides the whole room needs a make over ? LOL. Blessings, stay safe, xoxo,Susie

  2. Tete, Are you in line to get our weather? We have had the thunder, lightening, rain, hail,and now snow along with the wind. We didn't get the tornadoes that have been talked about. I stayed home which I thought was the best place for me to be. We have had weird weather all week with the high of 62 one day. I really like your new picture. Stay warm and safe. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri friend.

  3. That blocked canvas is beeeeeeeeeeeeautiful!!!!!!!! Oh sigh yes! Beautiful...

    You warmed... You melted some... You await more cold.... But...You have more _without_-snow-ice cover than we do here. Yesss!!!!!

    Oh those kitties, they are getting so cute. Cuter. Now that they are showing their wee little faces.

    Hey, neither one of your men, can heave furniture around, right now. -grin- And btw, what was the result of hubby's doc visit?????

  4. I love puddles and reflections- as long as they are not pee puddles on the floor. Those don't make me nearly as happy!;>)
    Great pictures, Tete, and those babies are just darling! xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!