Sunday, February 2, 2014

a little ice and a little snow...

there will be no naps out here for awhile...
how I miss being out there...

just a mild little storm through the night...
made a beautiful morning...
which will turn into an ice rink later tonight...

but I did go out for a bit...

and took a few photos on the way to the truck...

DH was making a mini store run here in town...

so we cranked up the heat...
I rolled down my window...

and sliding a clicking we went...
he did the sliding...
I did the clicking...

and here I sat while he ran into our little town grocery store for a few things...
and this is what most people see...
a parking lot...

but here is what I see...
take you time...

one of employees on the roof...
they must have a leak...

puddles are a wondrous thing...

reflections on the water are awesome...

the contrast of color...

and there you go...

getting back to the basics of my blog is probably the best thing I have done for me in a long time...
I am sure there are those who miss the decor posts and with dreaming for that ones...
but this is one of the reasons I started to blog...
to show you what I see...
and to grow in my hobby...
to make it a craft and an expression of myself...
so, hang with me...
I will be taking you along for the ride if you care to go...

happy super bowl weekend...
I am (NOT) so excited!


  1. Tete, I love seeing pictures of your town. And the farm side. I took pictures of the snow around our place today. maybe I 'll get a photo file going I can post from. Take care, we are in for more snow this coming week. I am getting very tired of it. Keep safe and warm, xoxo,Susie

  2. I enjoyed your photos, Tete. I like seeing your day through your eyes. I like the black and white/color contrasts in your images. Sorry for the continued cold and snow that you (and I, and half the country) are dealing with. Spring will be welcomed for sure but in the meantime we make the best of each day.

  3. Hi Tete, I enjoyed your post today. We got the snow, but I am thankful we didn't get it. It started out on Friday, we had a little rain, sleet, and then the snow with more snow on Saturday. We are to get more snow this week. Snow I can handle, but not the ice. I love the reflections in the puddles. Take care.Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  4. I LOVE seeing your neighborhood and farmland, Tete! It's like taking a little vacation to someplace I've never been before! :) It was nice to see that some of your snow is melting. We still have 30" of it on the ground here --- with more coming mid-week. Help!!! lol

    xoxo laurie

  5. I love your blog so however you do it... I am with you.. I love the pics you have taken..We are getting ice right now and expecting 5-8 inches of snow.... I have enjoyed the Winter snows but I am ready for Spring to arrive... Keep taking your beautiful pics and sharing your heart.... Have a great week. Blessings!

  6. we have frozen droplets of water hanging on branches this morning, and a bit of snow or sleet in places, can't tell from here. But I see sunshine on the pine out front.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!