Monday, February 3, 2014

some of my fun stuff...

oh, the weather man just said some nasty things...

another storm and more snow...

coming in tomorrow and Wednesday...
right now, they have us in the 6-8, maybe more category...
is this ever going to end?
I hope so...
just think, in four weeks, it will be March...
in a couple weeks, Valentine's...
you know that's a holiday just so you have enough chocolate to make it until spring, don't you?
I am going slow this morning...
I hurt pretty bad...
so heading back to bed and hope its better when I wake up again...
y'all have a good day...


  1. Lovely photographs! That little teacup and it! The weather is just crazy, isn't it? Well, am sure hoping you get to feeling better. Sleep heals, so take a long nap!

  2. Pictures of your fun stuff, are cute. And you really need that/fun in your life, this morning. -sigh-

    With another horrendous weather forecast. And your bod telling you, its own forecast, with aches and pains.

    Oh I do hope that you feel better, when you get up again, my Dear.

    Gentle hugs,

  3. Tete, Do you know where I could get some chocolate droned in to me??? I saw where they were thinking of droning goodness chocolate would make way more sense. We are in for some of the same forecast of snows...yikes, I need a motor on my shovel. We have a snow blower, I just told Ted yesterday, that I need a small snow blower for me.
    He's afraid I'll dig out and fly the coop.:):) Take care and stay safe. xoxo,Susie

  4. So sorry they are forecasting even more snow for you...also sorry that you are feeling more aches...Praying that you feel better when you wake up from your nap!

  5. I'm soooooo not looking forward to this next round of winter storms......I know I live in the Chicagoland area, but the cold and snow are really starting to get on my nerves.....

  6. Hope you are feeling better by now. Great pictures, Tete. I think your weather is as bad, or worse, than ours! xo Diana

  7. Those were great pictures Tete!
    I hope are staying warm only 6 more weeks to go...
    xo Marissa

  8. Hope you're feeling better! Sounds like the winter storms are still there. Wish we had some rain in San Diego. Hopefully this week. Love the photos!! New Follower.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!