Monday, February 3, 2014

there are just some days that it pays to be on the bottom...

got a few shots outside this morning...
it was nice in the sun and no wind...

and we still have some snow left...
and will be adding to it tomorrow afternoon...

see the sparkle?
you would think that Donna had been by, but I know she is far south in warm weather...
maybe she sprinkled as she went through...
she is such the glitter queen...

and someone is being a bad influence on the youngsters...
MrWiggles is showing Lester how to get off the deck...
which is not a good thing...

and mama is doing so good now...

and the kiddos, too...

and so the name of the post...
its good to be on the bottom of the pile on cold, snowy days...
its warmer down there...

had a decent day...
takes awhile to work things lose so I can move...
took a couple of naps...
Craig worked today, and with the winter storm coming in...
I imagine it was a nuthouse...
he will be so tired when he gets home...

sounds like this storm is going to be a butt kicker...
and I am staying in like they are telling everyone to do...
I hope the guys get to work and back ok...
or I will be snowed in alone...
I am not worried...
I have neighbors who will rescue me if I need it...

well, sounds like my boy is home...
got groceries to put up...
have a good night and a good morning...


  1. Tete, Your kittens are so cute. They would be nice and warm too. Hope you stay safe these next rounds. This morning our weatherman said bad winter at least another two weeks. Spring is not that far away...have to cling to that thought. xoxo,Susie

  2. wiggle your way to the bottom of that pile and stay warm Tete! Hugs!

  3. Awwwww, love your post subject line, and what it refers to. Kitties, so, so, so, so sweet. And Mama too, who is looking content. So happy she made it through.

    Our snow is coming Wed. morning too.

    Best of luck to your men, with another storm coming... -sigh- People like your men, are the ones who really can be upset, with this winter. We who get to stay inside, really don't, do we?

    Betcha' the storm will mess with your "moving parts" tomorrow too. They do with mine, but more so, with yours, Dear One. Stay warm.


  4. We had a good day yesterday, too. Sunshine, and 20 degrees. I was able to walk to the post office for the mail for work.
    I'm glad you were able to get out for a bit, too!
    Does a heart good to breath in some fresh air.
    Your kitty family looks content. Bless you for your kind spirit, Tete. Always concerned for man, and beast.
    And that, my dear, is why I love you.

  5. Oh.....! Those faces! Those sweet little faces! My heart just melted at their tiny pink noses and little ears. :) Hoping that you won't get as much snow as they're predicting, Tete. Most of it is missing us...this time around...but will be facing another storm this weekend. Praying hard for springtime!!! :)

    xoxo laurie

  6. Hi Tete, Looks like you got a tremendous amount of snow. We had 5 inches. Hope your furnace is fixed. It is very cold here and I would hate to not hsve heat. Hope your hubby's arm is better. Got to be careful walking outside these days as it can be treacherous.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!