Monday, April 14, 2014

a Sunday outing for us...

it was a cloudy and windy day...
but you can see the green is starting to happen in the trees now...

and its going to snow!

Craig needed to make a trip north to our outlet mall...
it is pretty big...
there's probably 10xs more stores than this there...

I could use this at home!

DH and I waiting outside of Vanity Fair for Craig to pay for everything...
before moving on to the next store...

that is super cool...
been a long time since the kids were that small...
I asked Craig if I could ride it and he said NO!
we went from here to the book store...
and I was sad to see that the Paper Factory is gone!
it was there from the beginning and now its not there...
I loved that store...

so we only did 2 stores...
that was enough...
and then we headed to where the guys wanted to go today...
Dairy Queen, which is right next to Burger King...
but I will live...

coming back home we saw fields that had been worked already...
I know they are just itching to get in there and get it all planted...

we were gone a couple hours, but seems like the whole day just flew by...
got this amazing purse at Vanity Fair...
and Craig was buying today!
he got 4 pairs of pants for work and 4 shirts...
and then got his dad a couple pair of jeans and a Pink Floyd shirt...
all of that for $118...
he printed off a coupon for 20% off of your entire purchase before we left...

at the bookstore I found 3 books, which he bought, too...
this was $5.99 there...

and these were $2.99 and $4.99...
Craig bought 11 books for his summer reading!
he carried them out in a box!

and this happened yesterday morning...

my father in law shared part of his bulbs with me many, many years ago...

and they are still going strong...

it was a wonderful weekend for me...
with Saturday night at Doug's with him and Paula...
a great meal and time shopping with them...
I can't believe I didn't take any photos...
just too busy doing the moment...
and then our mid morning out shopping and doing lunch...
its so nice having a kid with a job taking you shopping!
we are blessed with great kids...
with big hearts...
I'm slowing down today and tomorrow...
we start the cooking on Wednesday...
our Easter dinner will be noon Friday...
Craig has the nuttiest schedule this week again...
its the only day in the 3 day weekend when he will have be here for dinner time...
and works through supper time all 3 of them...
I will get to rest up again on Thursday and then Craig and Doug will be here Thursday after 5...

hope y'all missed the snow...
I know up north they were calling for 5 inches!
spring is happening, and sooner or later it will head north, too!
have a great day!


  1. glad you had such a great weekend. so even if snow comes, you can "burrow" yourself, into memories... Till snow is over. and it can't last long now!!!

  2. Glad you had a great weekend Tete .
    Love the new bag !

  3. Tete, I can't stand the thought of snow...not now that we had such a great weekend. Things are growing. That was so nice of your son to treat his parents to a day out. How very nice. hope you are staying's getting a bit chilly here. xoxo,Susie

  4. Could it be you have great kids because your kids have great parents?? Glad you had such a wonderful weekend.

  5. Your blog is so cute, and happy feeling.
    I agree with Ruth Ann....your great kids had great examples to follow.
    It warms my heart to hear what a wonderful weekend you had with your family, Tete.
    Your new books should keep you busy for a while. The Shabby Chic one looks like a fun book.
    We are getting quite a bit of snow right now....yuck!! I hope it melts by the weekend.
    Enjoy your week, dear friend.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!