Sunday, April 13, 2014

what do you do just after midnight?

a mini photo shoot of what you bought at the Dollar Tree after your son and his girl friend fed you the most absolute amazing supper ever!
I love these...
and they are almost $6 for 5 of them now at Walmart...
I checked them out the last time we were there and wouldn't pay it...
found these tonight, 2 for $1...
got 2 packs of them...

then I found this...
I buy the cheap sun glasses...
so I can stash them everywhere and have a pair when I need them...

got a couple of books...
yeah, I know...
pretty cheesy...

but, this was a number 1 seller at one time...

typical stuff you need...

and I was so surprised to find this there...
I have not had the fever and cold before, but it looks like it covers everything...
I take childrens' medicine...
the adult stuff knocks me out...

we got home at 10 and the ride home was so cool...
it feels like a cool summer night out there...
we had a stiff breeze all day, but its still now...
no coats, DH wore shorts...
windows open, kids were playing...
hard to believe we could get snow on Monday...

Doug grilled chicken breast out on the grill...
then there were these enormous baked potatoes topped with mozzarella cheese and green onions...
cole slaw...
and Hawaiian dinner rolls...
it was so good...
and we had so much fun...
Bella was there and she remembered us!
she is getting so big...
then after supper we ran to the Dollar Tree and the kids helped get me in and out of there...

I did see daffodils in bloom...
a couple of small trees with white blossoms on them, not sure what they were...
lots of tall grass that needs mowed...
we had a great time...

thank you for all the prayers for Mr & Mrs P...
I am sure I will hear from them sometime this week...
I will wait until they call...
when we drove by there on the way to Doug's, it looked like their families had gone...
I am sure they need some just them time...

hope you have a blessed day!  


  1. An all round great time!!! Good for you!

    Snow again? Yikes. But let's hope it is just flurries!!!

    I can't remember if you changed your blog look again or not, but anyway, it is sooooo pretty. Easter-y and soft and lacy. :-)

  2. How nice to have someone cook for you! And don't you just love our new Dollar Tree...did you go to Charleston?

  3. Hi Tete, thanks so much for your kind words and well wishes. Gar is hanging in there, trying to stick to all dr's orders and be good. This winter has been tough but we are hanging in there. I was so happy to see Spring arrive. Makes everything seem better. I hope someday you get to go back to the ocean. It's my bliss. Happy Easter xoxoxoxo

  4. Tete, It sounds as if you had the best time. I am so happy for you. Glad the children treated you so well. nice little shopping trip too. Blessings sweet girl, xoxo,Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!