Monday, April 7, 2014

good bye to one of the best...

I grew up watching Mickey Rooney...
Andy Hardy was one of my favorite characters, ever...
and Mickey and Judy were wonderful together...
they just don't make them like that anymore...
you were always guaranteed to smile when he came on the screen...
he had so much energy when he was young...
life was so simple back then...
wasn't it?
I loved his laugh...


  1. Yes, I did love him too and yes, he made all of us in our family laugh, with Judy, they were perfect and lovely, like Desi and Lucy! I do miss simpler times in the USA and my husband has the very same memories of simpler times, here, growing up in Ecuador. Those times will never come back, the world is such a mess and so dangerous for eveyone!
    God help us and bless all the countries in the world. Thanks for sharing, you got me sentimenal,lol!

  2. Oh- I loved him, too, Tete. I can remember sitting on the arm of the chair my dad sat in and watching him on TV. He was one of a kind. The world lost a happy-maker today- xo Diana

  3. Tete, just this morning I saw him in that old movie...Captain Courageous, with Spencer Tracey . I like to watch the old black and white movies. I liked Mickey in 'Boystown " too. xoxo,Susie

  4. One of my favorites he was in was National Velvet.

  5. He was multi talented and one of the last of the old school Hollywood stars.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!