Tuesday, April 8, 2014

can you see them?

yesterday morning started off very dark and cloudy...
can you see the woodpecker and robin?

a good day to just hang out and rest up...
there's a cardinal in here...

and by mid morning the rain began...
lasted all day...
supposed to rain today, too...
but the grass is getting greener...

news on Courtney isn't very good...
they did not do the colonoscopy...
the cat scan showed the mass in the colon...
they did a complete scan yesterday...
they found spots in her lung, stomach lymph
nodes, liver and the colon...
they gave her 6-10 months...
their plan is the hit her hard with chemo and radiation for 6 months...
then try to remove the mass from the colon...
only 29...
and her and Kevin have 3 very small children...
their son and twin daughters...
she may not see them even start school, let alone graduate or get married...
we take so much for granted...
prayers for them...
they have so much to go through and so little time...
I am praying for a complete healing...
but you never know what God has in mind...
His plans are always better...
He can see things we cannot see...
know things we cannot even imagine...
its in His hands...

enjoy today...
for you...
and for those who might not be able to...


  1. Oh I am so sorry about that news, praying for that family.

    Yes, I see the birds, arent they beautiful.

  2. Oh Tete, My heart aches for this family. They are in my prayers.

  3. I see the birds. and a blurrrr, which must be rain.

    I am so sorry for all this horror. And I'm sorry it is weighing so heavily on you...

  4. Another complete new blog look! Very interesting it is too. Do they call this "monochromatic"????? :-)

  5. So sorry to hear this awful news about this family.
    my prayers are with them~

    Yes, I do see the sweet birds.

  6. You are such an angel to help spread the word to all the prayer warriors out here, Tete. Bless you! I will certainly be remembering Courtney and her family in my prayers...

    xoxo laurie

  7. Oh No, Tete. How very, very awful for that young girl and her family. I can't imagine what they are going through. My heart and prayers go out to them. Oh- to be able to lay hands on and heal her in God's name.......xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!