Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Tuesday morning!

I am home alone today...
except for maybe this guy...
and a few others that have tails...

Bebe and I went for a walk a bit ago...
moved a little birdhouse to the seat yesterday...


dandy lions!

its been such a quiet and peaceful morning...
and a bit cooler...

20 degrees cooler...
got one window open and that will probably be enough...
lily of the valley...

there is such a rapid growth the first part of the spring...

and things fill in more and more every day here...

leaves are popping out over night...

such a magnificent little flower...

got up and got my shower after the guys left for work...
make up and hair dried...
then it was time for a girlie day...
did my nails...

I love watching the ferns uncurl...

just did brunch...
and I am already for a nap...

taking one of my new books with me...
I can read myself to sleep...
and then I can read some more when I wake up...

didn't think you were getting out of here without a bird pic, did you?
once the leaves are full on the trees, its going to be hard to get them...

we all have so much to be thankful for...
God blesses us every single day...
all the little things we take for granted really add up...
how many times does He grab things out of our way before they can hurt us?
all those unseen and unfelt little helps along the way?
I wonder what our score cards would look like at the end of each day?
thanking Him today for all the little things I don't know about...
moving away all the things I would have stumbled on...
have a happy day...


  1. What a beautiful post, Tete! Sounds like your day is off to a VERY good start! Love it!

    Your pictures are all great as usual. Nothing green and growing here yet-but I am hoping that happens this week. It is actually cold here today and windy..but-ah- we do have sun! xo Diana

  2. sounds like a purrrrrrrrrfect spring day.

    especially love "watching the ferns uncurl"!!!!! :-)

    and wise of you, to take the time to notice, the sweet, quiet beauties of the day. so many people just plow through their days, not looking this way or that. just plow on. losing so much, by not noticing...

    also losing out, by having a do, do, do, constantly do mind-set. oh yes, i'm really into enjoying all we can, especially in today's blogging. and happily, other bloggers are agreeing with me. :-)

    enjoy the sweetness of your day, my dear!!!

  3. Tete, I think that is a cute cat. I love all your outdoor pictures. Things are looking so very nice now. Our grass has greened and the trees are budding.It was cooler here today also. Hope the rest of our week is good. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  4. What a sweet post. I love your painted bike!! I can't believe how your spring flowers are so far along. Mine just started poking their heads up through the dirt! You sound so content this morning...it's nice to hear that in your writings.
    Thank you for the reminder of our daily blessings that we take for granted. You are a gem.
    Love you.

  5. I'm always so happy to hear that your day is peaceful and happy, Tete. :) It's always nice to spend a "girlie" day by ourselves while the guys are away. I did my toes today, too. Almost time for flip flops! Have a wonderful week!

    xoxo laurie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!