Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I hope you have a good day!

just in case you ever wondered what the inside of a cheap bed pillow looks like inside...

one half of a $2.50 Walmart pillow...

I cut it in half and stitched up the ends...
and one $2.50 pillow became two $1.25 pillows...

all this fabric is cut and ready to sew today or tomorrow...
we have a rain day on Thursday, so that might be a good time to do that...
will see how long it takes me to do what must be done first today...

and I have this left over for later projects...

and this happened yesterday, too...
real leaves!

and this also happened...

and this guy is so bad...
really, really bad...
and I think he knows it...

ring necked doves...

strolled around the feeders...

it was a pretty day...
a bit chillier than we had before...
but still a good day...

the stray tom...
we named him Bobtail...
his tail is only 2 inches long or so...
not sure if he was born this way or something happened to him when he was little...
but he is becoming a pain!

but he does like Hermie...
and they hang out together...

got some small plans for today...
making spaghetti for tomorrow...
DH has another afternoon in therapy...
so doing whoppers tonight...

the most important thing we ever do, on any given day...
is how we make others feel...
and we have the choice of making them feel good or bad...


  1. Tete, Don't you just love the doves. They do a good job of cleaning up under the bird feeders. That squirrel is looking at you, to say, thanks for the food. LOL... brazen ! I love the pillow fabric you have. I have cut those cheap pillows in half before. it's cheaper that buying the poly to stuff pillows. Show when you get them done. Hope you have a warm day today...yesterday had a bite at times. xoxo,Susie

  2. Love those cheap pillow ideas. I have some old pillows, may cut them up and do a couple.

    Haven't seen my ring necks this year, but I have the mourning doves in the tree outside the living room, nesting.

  3. oh, oh, oh, your whole blog look is sooooooooooo pretty! so soft. so calm. so all-tied-together. just yummmmmmy!

    certainly hope you have a good day also! and covering those pillows looks like a sure way, to do so. oh your fabric is sooooo pretty. and those pillows will brighten up any spot you happen to "throw" them in. :-)

    isn't that the nicest thing??? to work with some oh-so-pretty material? yes it is.

    hmmm, why don't we think of this, on those long, dull, dark, rainy, icky days of end-of-winter, and end of autumn, hu?

    make a note! keep happy material around, to raise spirits, when mother nature is doing her best to lower 'em!


  4. oh good grief!

    that was the second long, long, long comment i have made, this morning. in only 2 blogs! i think i have a running-off-at-the-mouth day! eeeek!

    perhaps i'd better go do something else, for awhile. or it will be noon and i'll only have read/commented in 6 blogs!!!!



  5. Another wonderful post, Tete. You really have such a pretty yard. I do that with pillows, too. I do them a slightly different way though and have a post to do about that when I get around to it.

    Hope the PT goes good for hubby today and enjoy your whoppers! xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!