Tuesday, April 8, 2014

more prayers, please...

I just got off of the phone...
so here is the update on Mr & Mrs P...

Asher David was born on Sunday...
4lbs 12 oz...
around 12:30...
angels carried him to God's throne at 1:30 the next morning...
a private service will be held later this week...
they spent their 13 hours together...
singing, reading scripture and loving on him as long as they could...
promising him they would see him later...
it was the most sad, happy and beautiful thing...
his family is coming from the south, hers from the north...
pray for safe travel for all...
strength to move forward...
courage to love again...
the tears are rolling now...
more later


  1. My tears are rolling, too, Tete. I am so so so very sorry. I think it hits me hard as I sit here with my healthy newborn baby granddaughter.

    God bless that couple and their family- xo Diana

  2. So sorry, Tete, How sad for everyone. Will pray for peace.
    God bless you for asking for prayer for this family.
    Love you.

  3. How sad my friend. I will pray they find confort in the Lord, specially the sweet parents. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  4. My heart goes out to them and you. Praying for all...

  5. Hi there, When I read the first part, I was all set to encourage you because my birth weight was the same-then I read further. So heartbreaking for the family. We had family friends that went through the same situation and now years later, have another little boy.
    Sending prayers up for them all.

  6. Praying for this family Tete.. Just so sad for them.. Thanks for keeping us updated.. Blessings!

  7. Tete, That is so sad. They will have to find the happiness of knowing the baby is back with God. It still hurts, so the families do need prayers. I will pray. xoxo,Susie

  8. How sad, Tete. I can't even imagine going thru such heartache. Praying for comfort for this family.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!