Sunday, April 27, 2014

running late with my post today, but I have a very good excuse!

well, here are the jar lights at night...

pretty cool...

and if you spin these, it looks like a disco light on the deck!
DH was impressed...

and this morning we hit the ground running...
rain was moving in and we had some things to get done...
we started raking the area between us and the neighbor, then headed here...
raked and moved around...
ready for planting...

it was windy and cool so we all had on sweatshirts when we started...
we grabbed the bag of glad bulbs and started planting...

DH noticed this needed cleaned out so he sat down here...
and the shed is up off of the ground on runners...
and all of a sudden we heard a scream, like that of a little girl...
Lester had crawled under the shed and when DH was grabbing a handful of leaves, Lester grabbed him...
DH had no clue what was grabbing him...
scared the BLEEP out of him...
I run around the shed, thinking he might have fallen and hurt his elbow...
and he was sitting there holding it and laughing...
he had jerked back so hard he hurt his arm...

for those who don't know, this is a Lester...

but even with Lester's help, DH finally got the job done...

we had this many left out of 50, so Craig headed for the island...

and dug another hole...

and planted the rest of them...
thinking we were done...

but I turned around and saw the hydrangea and the ferns...
more raking and cutting off the dead...
then I saw the back of the deck...
hammer and nails to tack the lattice back up in the corner...
fixed the trap door there, too...
trimmed the tarp off so it doesn't touch the ground any more...

saw some planting going on...

watched our brats play...

when they weren't trying to help...
came in, made brunch and started in here...
made cole slaw, cut up the pineapple, threw in a load of laundry...
took a shower and then started on supper food prep....
kept working and cleaning and dishes while the guys took a nap...

sat on the deck a bit...

and look!
a baby!
its first appearance at the feeders!
mom and dad are showing him the ropes...

and I would bet you didn't know that we have flamingos on the prairie...
yep we do...
just wait until we get all the rain they say is coming...
and this is water front property again...
then they won't look so out of place...
the rains did come...
have had 2 bouts of them already and there is more coming up from Arkansas...
not good down there at all...
we hit 81 yesterday and 78 today...
going to cool off when this front goes through and will be in the 50s a few days...
so, there you go...
got a lot done today and I am still going at 9pm...
may not be able to get out of bed tomorrow, but we beat the rain...
hope your weekend was a good one!


  1. What great pictures, Tete. Those jars look really cool with the solar lights in them. What a fun idea.

    Your gardens are looking really good-all weeded and clean looking. Much better than anything around here.

    I laughed my butt off about Steve and Lester. Soooo funny!

    Hope you are in decent shape this morning and can still move. xo Diana

  2. Tete, The lights are great...I could almost see you and DH dancing in your platform shoes,on your deck. I can just imagine your husbands hair standing on end after feeling something grab him back by the shed. I bet you had a good laugh. Your place is looking so nice. Stay dry this week. xoxo,Susie

  3. My goodness Tete....I'm tired just reading I can always come to your blog and get inspired to get up and get something done. You and your guys do a great job! We are expecting terrible weather here also.....I hope you stay safe! Hugs!

  4. Oh and I forgot to say that I laughed out loud about the cat scaring funny!

  5. -sigh- these people, who had productive yard work weekends. -sigh-

    -chuckle- oh well, it will get done eventually. or,it won't. -grin- i'm getting pragmatic in my 'olden' age!

  6. Lester may should watch his tail for a few days, I can imagine a rocking chair rocker on it.
    Thank goodness, our part of Arkansas didn't get hit with dramatic damage, one of my son in law's friends was killed in the storm that went throug El Paso Arkansas.

  7. Beautiful birds, and I love your lights! Your garden is much farther along than mine. My roses don't have foliage yet...some have green wood...some don't and I wonder if some didn't survive the winter. Time will tell. Have a great day, Tete!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!