Monday, April 28, 2014

its raining tonight as I post this...

we didn't get the very bad storms here...
praying for those who did...

knock out rose...
but we have gotten some really good rain...
without the flooding, so far...

and everything just shot up over night...

cone flower...
had a down day today...
did too much yesterday...

so taking tomorrow for a rest day, too...

he turned 15 last month...

grape hyacinths...
both guys are working tomorrow so Bebe and I can nap all day if we want to...

it has cooled off with the front moving through...

lily of the valley...
and I am thinking chili would be good sometime this week while we are in the 50s...

got my blood sugar under control and am on day 5 of no metformin at all...

most of my daffodils are spent...
too wet to go out and dead head yet...
Craig is off Wednesday, so I will get them done then...
I miss them already...
April has flown by so fast...
I can't believe its almost gone...
that May 1st is coming...
now that its warmer, time can slow down a bit!
hope you all had a good Monday...
and that tomorrow is even better!


  1. Glad it wasn't stormy there, and that you can enjoy the rain. Your flowers are ahead of mine, I do believe.

  2. hooray for blood sugar being under control. and going off metformin. me too. i used to take it. my doc said my numbers were ok, and to stop. but i get tested (for all sorts of stuff) every 3 months. so far so good. :-)

    where are you??? please? tell me privately if you wish. i need to know where my friends are, with the weird weather.

    again, i love this gray/green print! tried to get it, for click-able links, on my blog. still trying i guess. :-)



Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!