Tuesday, April 29, 2014

you never know what you will find when you pop in here...

before a thought happened...

the thought...

after the thought...

parchment paper...
3 sheets strung together with my favorite tape...

and placed in the china cabinet...

with just a tad of 2 way tape...
and its not finished...
there's more to the thought...
just have to find what will fill the vision I have...
DH doesn't want me to paint his mother's china cabinet and I don't want to do that either...
but it needs to be lightened up inside...

and this morning at the feeder...
got a chance of thunderstorms later...
but so far, its been a really nice day with the windows open...

and my forsythia never did turn bright yellow...
it just went green...
I think when it had the buds on is when we had those 2 very cold nights...
in the low 30s and a heavy frost both nights...
I have to wait a whole year for yellow now...
oh well, still not as bad as others have it today...
at least its still there...
and we haven't been asked to start over...

hope you are having a good day...
not a bad one here...
waiting for the guys to get off of work...
maybe I will even cook them supper...


  1. That is a beautiful setup there, Tete. Smart way to lighten up the china cabinet without painting it. I wouldn't like to paint an old family piece either.

    Glad all the really bad storms missed you- you are right- at least we are not "starting over". I can't imagine what some of those people are going through.

    Hope you have had a really good day- xo Diana

  2. Very unique idea Tete! Your family cabinet heirloom looks great now and your gorgeous lovelies stand out with the background! Blessed you without storms, wow, it's been awful looking at it on the news! People there need our prayers!

  3. You have some beautiful items in your china cabinet - I really like the chocolate pot and teacup, and your King's crown dishes! Gorgeous!

  4. Hi there, Love your creative touch to the heirloom. I love that fun tape too. So thankful you didn't have any tornadoes! Hope you have a great day!

  5. that is such a great idea, I have a dark interior in mine too, I might just copy cat this!! I see we have some of the same items in our china cabinets too!! You have such a love blog, I enjoy my visits everytime,

  6. Wonderful idea to lighten up that interior.
    Sure makes those colors pop

  7. great way to lighten a cabinet, without hurting it. great!

    another new background! the gal and white horse, remind me of a pic of "duck dynasty's" grand daughter sophie, in prom dress, with a white horse... please click here...



Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!