Wednesday, May 14, 2014

another rainy day here...

good evening...
iris waiting to open...

and the doves came to dine...

I feel like I have always been rushed to get my blog post done in the mornings...
so I have been staying up late, after midnight...
to get them up...

but my evenings are pretty free...
a lot less stress to get it done...

and I have been posting in the evenings the last few days...
and it just feels right...
so, for awhile anyway, this will be an evening blog...

so if you are bored in the evenings, come on by then...
or continue to come in the mornings...

pretty dern chilly out there...

the rain is sure greening everything up again...
and there was no new news on my sil...

but my cousin's dil is doing great...
and has finished her chemo...
and all the tests have come back awesome!

its so wonderful to see God working...
in the lives of others, in my life, in nature...

my yellow knock out rose...
I already have buds on some of the rose bushes...

the iris out front are opening up...

I got up late, really slept in and have felt like I was running behind all day...
stiff from the rain, I guess and just not with it...
not a productive day at all...

oh well...
it will be there tomorrow...

peonies are getting the rain right when they need it this year...

got all these photos on potty breaks today...

because someone needs to use the bathroom outside...

he can smile!

and sit pretty...

Bebe's rain coat fits him fine...
Charlie gets cold, though...
and shivers...
so when we come in, I have to grab a towel and dry his feet and ears...
he's been here a week now...
and we are making progress...
I know he doesn't like the vacuum, the monster under the sink and now the clippers...
I did get him clipped a little on the back side...
not doing around the face yet...
but he will get used to it and be just fine...
he already can 'sit still' for his face grooming...
he got his 3rd bath today, and he is not happy with getting his face wet...
and Hermie and him like sleeping with me for naps on rainy afternoons...
Charlie has the nap thing down...
he knows we do one in the afternoon and he is ready to go...
I put him up on the bed and tell him nighty night time and he curls up in a ball and goes right to sleep...
my kind of dog!
hope your day was good and that tomorrow is awesome...
thank you for your prayers for Susan...


  1. Tete- I do think a night time post is good. I used to post at night but somewhere along the way switched to early morning posting.

    Charlie is so darned cute. I can't wait to hear about him as his personality develops. I can see it in his face already.

    Beautiful pictures- Tete- You have an eye for photos! xo Diana

  2. Awe sweet Charlie such a precious dog.
    I do my blogging in the mid morning while baby is napping then, I have them scheduled for the following morning ..
    Give Charlie a big hug

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Charlie is a cutie! You know, I would prefer to blog in the morning, but it's usually not ever at a certain time, could be in the middle of the night! Great shots, such lush looking greens!

  5. Tete, I enjoyed the walk around your yard and I didn't have to put my boots on. It rained about all day here yesterday. Ted had to mow the lawn twice when he returned from his fishing trip and that was on Monday . It looks like it needs it again already.LOL. Charlie is looking less skiddish. Blessings for a great day. xoxo,Susie
    p.s. keeping your family in my prayers.

  6. I am so glad your cousin is doing well, that charlie is a sweetie, I think you are having a ball with him!! Your flowers and yard are amazing, I love Iris, I miss mine,

  7. Very beautiful photo on this green scenery.
    Great photos.
    Regards from Brasil: Geraldo

  8. Your yard sure is looking gorgeous .
    And what a cute little guy ~ so huggable !


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!