Thursday, May 15, 2014

it was a mostly rainy day...

someone wanted to play peek a boo with me this morning...

and I saw a robin checking her nest...

and the sparrows were telling me thanks for filling the bird feeder...
someone was supposed to do that last night...

and finally, a good shot...

then out of the corner of my eye, I saw red...
a very bright red...
scarlet tanager...
and there were two of them...
I hope they come back...

but this afternoon, the gray skies became blue...
with big white poofs...

Charlie and I went out to wait for DH and to take a walk...
so tried to get some shots...
Lester photo bombed this one...

and then I did this one myself...

but the rest came out ok...

the iris out front are opening...

and the sun felt really good...
just got back from another walk and its 51...
the furnace is on...

we had sloppy joes and home fries for supper...
and it was good...
been awhile since we had done that...
I made it with half ground turkey and half ground beef...
it was awesome...

it was all house hold chores today and a nap...

with this guy...
he can rock a hoody pretty good...
Bebe never got really cold, but Charlie sure does...
he is such a good boy...
now if I could get the other two trained a little better, I would have it made...
hope you felt the blessings today...
cuddling with Charlie was one of mine...
being his mom is going to be so much fun...
I am so glad I listened to my heart and God and checked into him...
I cannot image being without him or him being somewhere else...
we are so going to grow old together...


  1. Great pictures, Tete. Love how much you love your Charlie..and I know that love will be returned 100 fold.

    Hope your weather warms up down there and then send some of it this way, will you?

    Sounds like you had a really good day, Tete....the best kind- xo Diana

  2. Awe, I just love it when things come together.
    I think it was all in Gods timing!
    Hopefully that beautiful scarlet bird does come back what a beauty.
    Thank you Jesus for a beautiful day.

  3. What beautiful photos, even the bombed ones. Those Scarlets sure are a beautiful bird, haven't seen one live, though.
    Charlie is getting braver every day, bet it won't be long before he sees you pick up his jacket, and knows outside is just a bit in the future.

  4. So very glad Charlie was smart enough to win your heart!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!