Friday, May 30, 2014

I made it through the boob surgeon with flying colors!

got some great photos this morning...
really early...

out in my night gown...
just me and my dog...

had my appointment this afternoon...
and we left a little early and he got me right in...

and there was nothing to it at all...
he did great...

he numbed it first and said that would be the worst of it and it didn't hurt at all...

then he stuck a needle in it while he did the sonogram...
so he could see when he hit it...

and just that quick, sucked it all out!
they are sending it off to make sure...

but it was clear and no blood...
so that's a good sign that there is no cancer...

can you believe the green beans????
we will be picking before you know it...
I can taste them already!

maple trees are everywhere here!

the war is about to begin...
and me and my hoe are going to win!

and after giving doc crap about trading his Shelby Cobra for a pick up...
we headed for Walmart...

my baby...

this is play stance...

this is portrait stance...

I finally have one of the dwarf iris bloom, really late!

anyway, while we were at the drs checking in, the lady thought Craig was my husband...
that's twice someone has thought that in a month now!

he either looks really old or I look really young...
I am taking the last one...
made my day...
he is depressed...

another cutie...

got some bird shots in...

this is the only rose not blooming yet...
but the buds are there...
so soon...

waiting for the leash....
so he can walk the doggie...

we hit Walmart and I found the top soil they sold out of at the other store...
and a concrete bunny...
and 3 flowers...
will show you those tomorrow...
and then to Burger King to bring supper home...
and my baby was crying when DH got home...
he beat us home by a few minutes...
I shut him in my bedroom/bath instead of putting him a kennel...
and he cried...
I felt really bad, but he was safe there and wouldn't have been in the truck in the parking lot waiting for us to get done...
he will have to get used to me being gone a few hours every now and then...
but it make me feel bad...

he won't leave me now...
so that's how the day went...
my boob is fine...
I am full...
and now I have to go water the plants...
DH is mowing the side yard now, SO I had better go out and help...
have a good night and a super weekend...
may you always see your blessings...


  1. Tete, Sounds like a good day. The pictures are great. I love all the cute beds around your yard. Tell your son, you probably look like a cougar...who has some young cutie pie. LOL. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, xoxo,Susie

  2. That is a compliment; you look very young. Take it and enjoy it. That procedure sounds like it was done well.

  3. Glad your boob appt went okay and that is out of the way!

    How funny about Craig. LOL- You can't marry him-you are already married....bwhahahaha...

    I'll tell you- that Charlie is getting cuter by the day. He is so sweet,, Tete.

    Hope you have a great night- I have to go to bed or fall asleep typing. xo Diana

  4. LOL on the mix up on Craig. That happened with my stepson once, in a grocery store, I laughed out loud and told her no, it was my son.

  5. I just love Charlie and that portrait pic is great!
    He so loves his mommy already.
    Always enjoy seeing your yard, my irses and peonies are done :( now I have to wait till the hibiscus, black eye susan, cone flower and dahlia's bloom.

  6. so happy that the doc visit went so well!!!!!!!!! yes!!!!!

    and on top of that, you got a lovely non-age compliment. ,-)



Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!