Monday, May 19, 2014

I may need a case of ben gay...

Lester playing in the bird bath...

so Hermie had to try it out, too...

got up so sore this morning, so I knew I had to go back out and do what I did to get me that way...
just to work it all out again...
so to the garden we went...
this is after 2 hours of working this up by hand...

we do not own a tiller...
Craig turned it over with a shovel and I hand broke it up and mixed in the cow manure and sand...
pulling out all the weeds and the maple whirl-a-gigs...
had a bucket full of them...
but there are green beans planted in there...
with 2 short rows of radish in the front of them...
took the clothes off the scare crow, need to get something else...
moved the bird bath over here...
and planted 5 begonias around that...
and its done for now...
trying to come up for something to do with the bassinet...
right now, its for sticks for the fire pit...
and we need to weed along the fence behind the tomatoes...
need to work up the ground a bit around the tomatoes and stick my waterers in there...

this is the front with the row of blocks that I plant in...
have more to add to it in the next few weeks...

Charlie is a gardening buddy dog...
he does so good out there with us...

things are coming together...

and the blooms keep happening...
got so much more to work on...
and hopefully, some new additions...

Mr Wiggles...


columbine is wonderful this year...

we had a very nice day...
and sunny...
with a breeze...

windows open and curtains blowing...
I missed my nap this afternoon, so had to lie down right after supper and slept a good 2 hours...
got up and put my jammies on and went for a walk after dark...
did some prep work out on the deck for the rain coming in...
next 2 days...
but I am ready for it...
I am taking it easy and maybe doing some laundry...
a lot of napping...
and of course, eating...
that's what rainy days are for...

DH heads back to the ortho in the morning...
hopefully for the last time...
and hoping the xrays show that all is well...
after going back to hard work...

my sister in law is doing much better...
got to sit up and stand a bit today...
off of the oxygen...
and off of dialysis...
the kidneys are working on their own again...
it was the dye...
still is in bad shape and needs to get stronger...
she needs open heart surgery...
there is a blockage in one artery...
and a very leaky valve...
so keep her in your prayers as the days go on...
tomorrow is her birthday and looks like it will be in the hospital...
she is doing pt to get her legs back under her...

may you have the most restful night...
and the most blessed day tomorrow...


  1. What a wonderful day you had, Tete. You are getting so much done and that garden area looks great! I love to grow radishes but we never eat them. lol

    YOur columbine is lovely as are all your plants.

    Love that Charlie is doing so well and is a good gardening companion. I see Craig is a good gardening helper, too.

    Will keep you SIL in my prayers, Tete. xo Dina

  2. Hard work never fails. you have done a great job in the garden to make it look good! All the pictures look fine!

  3. great jobs done!

    hope you recoup quickly.


  4. Tete, Praying for your SIL, she does seem a bit better after that dye episode. You make me laugh about getting ready for bed then walking. I know just how sore you are. Wonder how a Jacuzzi tub would fill if it was full of ben gay to sit in.LOL. Take it easy now, xoxo,Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!