Sunday, May 18, 2014

Our Sunday...

had Craig pick up some annuals...

so this morning, DH and I headed out after breakfast to play outside again...

there wasn't a cloud in the sky and it was a little warmer today...
so the pots were planted...

and Charlie thought it was fun...

we took our time but things went really quickly...

we got everything watered with the new hose and nozzle...
which worked great!
came in a made chili...
had lunch and I sat around a bit...

Charlie kept looking at me like he wanted to go out again...

so I grabbed the leash and the camera and away we went...

rose buds!

to get photos of the places we planted and put pots...


and the columbine are in full bloom...

and of course, one thing leads to another...
around here, anyway...

planted some of the plants in the blocks in front...

gave them plenty of space for growing...

and then we went around to the side...

this is the best this has ever bloomed...

my little trellis may not be enough...

I think I should get a couple more of these and let them grow up the front of the deck...

the rose of sharon is leafing out...

tomatoes are getting bigger...

and I just couldn't wait until tomorrow...
so I started playing in the dirt...
I sat on the board walk with Charlie right beside me...
and he rested his paws on my leg just like Bebe did the day before he died...
and I worked on this until the mower guys showed up...
got 1/3 of it done...
Craig and I will be out there tomorrow...
need to get the green beans in before the rains come back on Tuesday...
I will be helping if I can move...

had a 17 year old boy take his life yesterday in a small town not far from here yesterday...
and he played baseball and basketball, his school and ours are consolidated in sports...
so our kids here knew him...
have no idea what made him feel like he needed to do that...
but I do know that his family and friends and team mates could use all the prayers they can get...
to get through this horrible tragedy...
our graduation is on the 30th, so the kids are all still in school here...
the last photo the boy had on his facebook page was of prom...

those of you with kids and grandkids might want to remind them that there is nothing too big or too small that they can't talk to you about...
that nothing is forever and whatever pain you are in, will fade away...
that there is more joy in life than they can ever imagine...
and that God can heal all their broken hearts and help them get what they dream of...
you just never know...
how someone feels inside...
how deep the pain...
hug them and tell them that you love them...
be their safe place to land when the world comes crashing in...


  1. Your flowers are so pretty, Tete. Love the moss roses and columbine. Charlie is just adorable! His sweet little face is so expressive. That is sad about the teen taking their own life.

  2. Your gardens are looking great,Tete. I am so happy that Charlie is such a sweet baby and it sounds like he was blessed with Bebe's spirit. God did good bringing you that one.

    It is sad when someone takes their life-especially kids that have a whole future ahead of them-they just see no way out sometimes. It is so sad. I tell my grandkids they can tell me ANYTHING and I won't be mad or upset...that if it is something they feel they CAN'T tell their parents for some reason they can tell me. Every day I pray for God to protect their sweet spirits and souls. xo Diana

  3. Things are looking great and I just love hearing how Charlie is doing. Sometimes don't you think our lost pets send just the right new pet to us...different but demonstrating love?
    So sorry about the young man, how sad for his parents

  4. Praying for family and friends of that young man, such a sad thing.
    Flowers are beautiful. None of my columbine came up, guess I didn't hold my mouth right when I sowed the seed.

  5. Love those annuals, I had the exact same ones last year.Beautiful blooms... You gave me an idea with the cinder blocks.
    Yup, that is why I love reading blogs!

  6. Hi Tete, Just catching up with you today. I have been super busy in the gardens - mine and three others that I am helping with!
    Charlie is super cute. I'm glad you have him. You will give him a wonderful, loving home. How does he get along with the kitties?
    Your flowers are gorgeous, especially the clematis! Have a good day my friend.
    Hugs, Beth

  7. Hi Tete, Just catching up with you today. I have been super busy in the gardens - mine and three others that I am helping with!
    Charlie is super cute. I'm glad you have him. You will give him a wonderful, loving home. How does he get along with the kitties?
    Your flowers are gorgeous, especially the clematis! Have a good day my friend.
    Hugs, Beth


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!