Friday, May 23, 2014

it was a much needed day of rest...

for many of us...
Hermie did it well...

and so did Charlie...
and me, but no one was awake to get a photo of  me napping...

wood pecker again...
I slept most of the day...

waited to get my shower after DH got home...
and then he took me and Charlie for a walk...

I got some photos to blog...
the first rose of the season...

had a late supper and then went to bed early again...

the flare is passing...
I guess the key to stopping one is sleeping it off until its gone...
its been working the last few times...
better than flaring for days or weeks...
DH has a four day weekend now to spend with me...
and we have to get some things done around here...
cleaning out the shed is one of them...
I am letting the guys do that on Saturday...
I will just tell them how to do it...
you know how that goes...
Charlie had no trouble doing a 'down' day with me...
we just cuddled and napped and he was happy with that...
he is working out so well for me...
and he is beginning to get into our routine...
and he loves going outside...
and the walks...
well, the guys push us...
so I guess we ride...
the neighbors think he's spoiled...
he just knows how to have a good time...

I am late getting this posted...
after sleeping most of the day, I went to bed early, too...
didn't even think about the blog...
I knew I had my photos to post and just forgot...
I think today is going to be laundry...
watering, we only got a tenth of an inch of rain out of that hail storm...
which is ok with us, some around here got up to 5 inches...
we sure don't need that much...
I am sure we will be cooking something or a couple of somethings for the weekend...
and then there will be time to sit on the deck and just enjoy the nice weather we are having...
until it gets hot again...

so, whatever your plans are...
be safe this weekend...
and remember why we celebrate Memorial Day...
this country has been so blessed with some amazing people who gave their lives so we can have what we have and do what we do...
we need to believe in the dream that they fought and died for...
we need to live it...
have a great day and hug a vet!


  1. Tete, You post the nicest photos. That cat really knows how to rest. :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Our town will have a memorial serve on the square. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  2. oh Tete I'm sorry you are in a flare, you had just he perfect day, I think Charlie is a blessing in disguise, perfect little companion for you, take care my friend, beautiful photos,

  3. LOL that cat is having a gread down day.
    Mine stretch out on the furniture and rest. Bless the protectors of our country, past and present, for what they've done for us.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!