Friday, May 23, 2014

got some stuff done around here today, but took all day to get it done...

it was a nice day in the 70s...
got up, did breakfast and threw in a load of bedding after my shower...
and headed out...
this morning we watered and checked things out and I was tired, so came back in...
went back out and worked on this area...

we trimmed this up...
and then I noticed the blooms...

after an email to my twin blogging buddy, Beth at Beyond the Garden Gate...
she told me that it looked like honey suckle...
and I googled it and sure enough...
its honey suckle...
now, my friend gave me this last spring and told me it was a lilac...
looks like ones, too...

got all those helicopters out of there and weeds...
threw in some top soil...
Craig was supposed to bring some more home today...
but would you believe that Walmart is out of top soil?

I did get the carrots and radish planted in here, though...

and our neighbor gave us 3 starts off of her pear tree...
trying to decide where they should go...

and more just basic cleaning out of the beds...

we have enough maple seeds to grow a forest...

but that forest won't be growing in the flower beds now...

a carpet sample to sit on...
one bucket for hand tools and gloves...
the other for weeds...
we had to dump that weed on a few times...

need to work some more on this tomorrow...
we only scratched the surface out here...

rose moss...

it was a good day, but had to rest often...
and I got my nap in...

I am going to head to bed here soon...
just waiting for it to get dark...

and to finish my chocolate ice cream...

probably where I should have spent the day...

and the field behind us was planted in beans today...
look at that dust!
nose has been running this afternoon...
the farmers are hitting the fields hard here...
just north of here they had to up to 5 inches of rain...
so they aren't doing anything right now...

could use some prayers for a man who was hit last night by a car and drug a ways...
in bad shape, might not walk again...
had surgery this afternoon...
keep him and the medical staff in your prayers...
a friend asked for prayers and was putting the word out...
his name is Sheldon...

have a good night...
sleep tight...
and don't let the bedbugs bite...

1 comment:

  1. Praying for Sheldon tonight may he quickly recover.

    Your garden looks marvelous darling!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!