Monday, May 12, 2014

Monday madness...

my son, Doug and Paula brought me this for mother's day...
the hanging basket and the coconut liner...
I put my petunia in here...
and it looks great...

just wait until that fills in...

and my boy...
right after breakfast and before he got his face washed...
also worked on his grooming, too...
he was very good and I got his whiskers trimmed up...
he keeps getting them in his food...

Mr Wiggles surveying the land this morning...

the columbine are all popped out now...

and looking pretty...
haven't seen the humming birds yet, but that doesn't mean they haven't been there...

bulbs from Doug and Paula...
12 total and I got them planted this morning...

I used an old screw driver...
stick it in, swirl it around until you get the hole big enough and drop them in...
a great way to plant in mud...
you can plant your onion sets this way...

its been a cloudy/ sunny day...
first one and then the other...

the glads are up!

and the clematis has gone crazy...

you can see it all the way down the street...

and this guy thought he could walk the dog...
or not let the dog walk...
Lester is always trying to help in some way...

had three iris pop open this afternoon, too...
the fall clematis is weaving its way around the old bike and up past the bird house...
the rose bush lost the top growth through the winter...
but made it...
my neighbor lost 15 rose bushes...
we lost none...
but two lost their growth, but will be alright...
we missed the storms so far...
its 9:30 now, but do have rain the rest of the week coming...
I will check the radar before I head for bed...
Craig gets off at 10 tonight...
I will be home alone tomorrow, so me and Charlie are going to work on a few things...
like napping...
walking with his leash, which he is doing really good...
we are going to try playing...
he tried a bit tonight...
was sitting on the deck and got up to come in...
he usually follows me...
but I had to go back for him...
and he was spunky and prancing...
tail wagging...
he likes it out there and didn't want to come in...
he is doing so well...
with all that's happened to him...
its a wonder he has anything left at all...
but his personality has started to come out...
and he loves to cuddle, still...

one week ago, right now, we still had Bebe...
not knowing it was our last night...
it feels like years ago...
I miss him so, and then I look at Charlie...
we have such a long journey ahead of us...
and its going to be fun...
have a good night and a good day tomorrow...


  1. such a beautiful post, full of hope and promise,
    sorry for the neighbors loss of that many rose bushes that would be heart breaking,

  2. Bless your heart Tete, you are so kind. I am happy that Charlie is starting to trust. I love your flower hanger, it will be beautiful once that petunia fills it up. I love seeing all the cute things in your yard including that helpful cats. LOL. xoxo,Susie

  3. Your clematis is amazing! Do you feed it anything special? I've tried to grow them a few times and I always kill them within a few months :(

  4. My clematis is just now blooming good, need to check on it, again.
    So glad that Charlie is finding himself and knowing he can trust.

  5. there are times when we can miss the past, with appropriate tears. but also embrace the happy future, with joy. this is certainly one of them.

    you won't forget babe, but you are doing so much for charlie. and he will reward you, for your efforts.

    gentle hugs,

  6. What a sweet and precious post. Oh my, your clematis is just gorgeous! Tete, think you have a heart of gold~

  7. What a beautiful Mothers day gift and what a show your clematis are putting.
    I just love spring.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!