Sunday, May 11, 2014

my Mother's Day...

I spent yesterday with Doug and Paula...
and today with Craig...
this morning, he helped me move the deck around...

we had a storm come through last night and it rained all the way in, leaving everything soaked and covered in seed pods...

and after a lot of sweeping, they kept falling...

the deck is used by all of us and now the neighbor kids...

this is the $2 baker's rack Craig spotted at a garage sale and talked me into getting...
it works well here...

Craig had big plans of taking me out to eat today, but DH had to work all weekend...
and after this week, I was just beat...

so I picked a local place...

I like the chicken tenders and we split some potato wedges...
and then we headed for our town park and ate on the bleachers...
over looking all the play ground equipment that my boys grew up on...
and we talked about coming there so many years ago...
the day was wonderful and Charlie had a good time, too...
I love moments with my kids like that...
no distractions...
just us...

Charlie likes the deck and was checking out the yard...

then we came home and played catch up on all the things that kind of slid by me last week...
I did 3 loads of laundry...
we made goulash for supper and have a ton left over...

got a few walks in today, too...
and let Charlie just walk around the yard...

he is doing so well on the leash now...
the harness is working much better than the collar...
and he is learning fast...
he seems happy...
so much for him to learn...
and we do know he is having trouble around men...
breaking through that...
he had his first encounter with the vacuum today, too...
he's not sure about that or the monster under the sink...
(garbage disposal)
but he is good with the washer and dryer going...
and he waits for me when I am in the shower and jumps all over when I come out...
big improvement there...
he gets excited a little, but doesn't know what to do with it yet...
this is really big...
he wags his tail now!
they left a stitch in when they neutered him...
and Craig and I got that out today...
he was at the vet on 3-25...
that's a long time to leave that in...
he is eating good now, too...
its a scary thing to change homes...
animals get so stressed when they do that...
at least he doesn't have to do that again...
hope your mother's days were special...
love both of my boys...
and all the furry kids, too...
loved my time with Doug...
we ate pizza, I made it...
and had this wonderful chocolate cake, too...
I showed them were Bebe was buried and he approved...
such a special time with my kids...
well, off to bed...
been a good day...


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful day. I think Charlie is comeing out of his shell very well.

  2. sounds like you had a lovely time!!!

    oh your deck, or i'd call it a back porch, is beautiful.

    rain soaked stuff out there. did the bedding get wet, or is behind the bed, covered in some way?



Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!